Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21 - Massachusetts

STILL moving in!

Good afternoon! Still pecking away at boxes. I think I am almost at the end of kitchen items - at least what was marked. I have come across some very oddly marked boxes; one says "Family Rm Mix & Match". I am a little afraid to open that one yet! I have come across more than a few that are not marked at all; who knows? I may open a few tonight just out of curiosity.

Just to give you an idea of what I am dealing with in regard to the packing material thus far, I took a few pix. While I certainly appreciate fragile itmes were wrapped so well, the Tupperware containers and metal baking items - not so much.
Unpacked box (pans)

Another unpacked box

It has been challenging finding space for everything. I have always had a separate cabinet for my "dry goods", but the cabinet did not make it through the fire. Food takes up a lot of room! I have been absolutely ruthless going through items and tossing what I do not need or will not use.

I had wanted to have the kitchen done this week, but some boxes were buried under others, and it has been slow going. Unpack 2 boxes' contents onto the counter, wash, put away. Repeat.

As far as I am aware, I only have 3 more kitchen boxes. Still in search of my everyday plates, but I think I know where they are (finally). I have been making do with paper plates, but it would be nice to eat a real meal on a real plate!

Here are a few pix of what I have accomplished.
Glasses, coffee cups & cat food

Very blurry pic of dishes


I would like to cook some actual real food for a change! I have been making do with leftovers from going out and microwave dinners. Getting rather tired of them, and they are not good as a steady diet. I plan to be cooking my own food once again in a few days :)

Get back on my normal schedule. Laundry is all caught up; have not located my box of towels yet. Although I did take enough up to Maine with me that I can make do for a few weeks (had the presence of mind to pack towels at least).

I did order a dresser that fits the footprint I have, and I quite like it! Need that in order to make a lot more headway in the bedroom, which is my next big project. Temps are supposed to shoot up next week, and I have yet to locate the box containing all my decent T-shirts. Here is a picture from the website.
Dresser I ordered, sans mirror

I am also the proud owner of what I think is the world's largest refigerator. It has the freezer on the bottom, and large items (containers of 1/2 and 1/2 etc.) go on the door of the fridge. I am still getting used to it and not 100% sure I am in love with it it. One could fit a body in this sucker!

It beeps if the doors are open too long; annoying but useful. Figure this thing could hold more than one Thanksgiving turkey!!

Did not do much yesterday. Aches and pains caught up with me, and I cannot push it. I need to function :) Caught up on paperwork instead (and washed some dishes!).

And my silverware is all sorted out neatly :)

More silverware

Stay tuned!