Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday, October 5 - Massachusetts

Good afternoon intrepid followers. That long wailing sound you hear would be mine. Why? Because my Brother and I were unable to travel to Martha's Vineyard this weekend. Why? Work - mostly his.

Neither of us are happy about this; not at all. We have had this trip planned for months, as you know. Hotel rooms booked, ferry booked. It is not an easy trip to coordinate between the hotel and ferry availability, non-refundable fees, etc.

Being Columbus Day weekend - after which they roll up the sidewalks on the Vineyard - all inbound & outbound ferries were completely booked for 2 days. I looked for a later time in the day; not to be had. Called the Steamship Authority (they oversee the reservations), and there was not even a chance at Standby.

So we had to scramble in order not to lose the $900 for the hotel and ferry that has already been paid for. I was able to put off the ferry reservation - the new one is good until September of 2019, but carries a small fee of $10 for the change. My most awesome Brother called the hotel and was able to shift our reservations until Spring.

This can only happen this once, however, in both reservation instances.

I am more than disappointed and totally disgusted about the whole thing. Not at my Brother - it is not his fault. His (and my) boss demanded we be here today, especially Brother. I have no good words on that subject so I will leave it.

I have worked for some difficult people over the years. To be expected as an Exec Admin to Presidents, CEOs, and COBs of major companies. Handled it, dealt with it. Nothing like this, however, especially at a lower level. Do not keep changing the rules on me. Tell me one thing, decide it is not to your liking or not remember. Then switch gears mid-stream.

So once again - I reiterate. Nope - had my fill of this one. More than. I have other words I could use, but I will not.

I will finish out the season (about a month) because I committed to it. I fulfill my obligations.

After that I SO look forward to getting back to my happy little life on my own schedule with my own things to do.

I do apologize that this post has been mostly a "whine" and took the tone of a bit angry. But there you have it. I really am an upbeat person most of the time! It is definitely not a good thing when I get angry (please do not ask). I learned to tamp it down years ago.

Exceptt this time it affected both my Brother and me in a big way.

Stay tuned for more adventures! I promise they will be more light-hearted next time!!