Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Wednesday, March 28 - Massachusetts

Good evening my friends. I had intended to post two weeks ago after the storm, but circumstances prevented. I have not felt well for over a week; nothing serious but enough to  keep me "down and out". Feeling somewhat better now, and have the promised pix to share (belatedly).

The tail end of Winter that preludes Spring in Massachusetts is a mighty fickle thing. There are days the sun shines warmly and lulls you into thinking maybe... Then two days later an icy wind blusters down from the North and you are bundling back into the Winter gear you have not put away yet. Because you know better.

Thus the weather has been this year during the gnarly month of March. Stepping stone from Winter to Spring. When we were young, my Dad called it "mud month". I know why now :)

One day the chill of February changes a bit. You can feel the wind shift, even if just a little. Smells a bit different outside; not as biting. The snow on your porch and in your yard starts melting. Winter receeding.

Then - POW! Mother Nature is done teasing and socks you with a good one. That is what happened about 2 weeks ago. We got seriously dumped on. Close to 14" here - I measured it the next day. My front door was a bit stuck opening with all the snow.
Trying to open front door

Here are some before and after pix.
Before the storm  
After the storm
Before the storm
After the storm

This week has not been too bad as far as weather. Upper 40s, but a chilly 48 degrees. Snow still in piles. April is just around the corner, but as T.S. Eliot cautions, "April is the cruelest month". And goodness knows, after having been born and bred in New England, I can attest to that without question.

I do know I am not putting away all of my winter things for another month yet. April can be cruel. Some years we actually do get a true Spring; I live for that! Hard to tell this year.

The inside of my house is being painted slowly but surely, and I am over the moon about it! Iggy tropical greens are being replaced by lighter grey and grey/blue colors. Details in my next post! In the meantime, I seriously envy these guys. My kittles warm and sleeping after the snow. :)
Kitties sleeping....

Kitties sleeping more :)

Stay tuned!