Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wednesday, August 15 - Massachusetts


It is with sadness that I post today. A very beloved Aunt passed away last week. Our family has always been close, as you know. Aunt Louise was my Dad's sister - the eldest of my grandparents' 5 children. She was so full of life, and devoted to family and her faith. It seemed to me she always enjoyed, relished, and looked forward to any and all family gatherings.

I have so many fond memories of Aunt Louise that began in childhood... The family get-togethers - annual reunions, summer vacations, Thanksgivings, etc. spent together. Funny, but true, story: my Dad and Uncle Dinny (my Aunt's husband) loved camping. I cannot even begin to count the number of years we spent camping. Setting up huge tents, lugging camp stoves, coolers and all the gear that camping entails packed into the cars and boats both our families brought. Oh, and 8 kids between the two families (4 each). Makes my hair stand on end!

Come to find out, Aunt Louise disliked camping every bit as much as my Mom did. I find that amusing :) That dislike of camping gene got passed to me as I despise camping. My idea of roughing it is Motel 6. I have to hand it to her (and my Mom) though - a trooper through it all.

Aunt Louise had the most wonderful laugh! It makes me smile just to think of it; I can hear her now, laughing over something small or large. She always took such delight in life.

Unfortunately I was unable to make the trip out to New York for her funeral last Saturday, much as I wanted to be there. I was ill with a stomach flu that kept me in bed most of the week.

Aunt Louise will be dearly missed. She was always kind and gentle, and loved family most. She was never too busy to listen or lend an ear. Her faith was unwavering.

She was quite an admirable lady. And the sky is a little brighter for her star shining so brightly up there now.