Tuesday, March 28, 2017

3/28/17 - Maine

Good afternoon, intrepid readers. I wish I could tell you I got a good night's sleep, but alas I did not. Only a partial one. The electricity went out in the area somewhere around 3:00 AM. (Yes I did get up to check to make sure it was not just here; the entire area was out.) That entailed pulling out and setting up back-up medical equipment. Better that than figuring out which fuse went at 3 AM!

Electricity was restored sometime around 8:30 this morning. I heard the heat come on; yay!

I had hoped to get to the laundry today but could not. A phone call, which in turn entailed many phone calls etc. on my part eliminated that prospect.

All good news, though, and now I will share with you. I have purchased a mobile home, and will be closing on it and moving in on Monday. I do not know why I never thought of this before; it is the perfect solution to renting (much as I loved my last few rentals).

It is in my "home" area, and I found it on line. I know that sounds odd. Like a late-night commercial - "Yes! You too can purchase a home on line!"

I have not seen it myself yet; I designated my brother to look and send detailed pix and information (which he did). Realizing that sounds odd as well. However - I trust him implictly. He knows my tastes & needs better than anyone else. And yeah, I am taking a huge leap of faith on this.

It is yellow! I have always wanted to live in a yellow house. As of next Monday, I shall have one :) Here is a photo of the outside.
Outside of home

Yes it is smaller than the past few places I have lived (I did read the fine print on Realtor.com prior to asking brother to take a look at it), and I will be downsizing yet again. I have a lot of very large furniture that simply will not fit and would make me feel crowded.

I have come to terms with that, and I am OK with it. The place has 2 bathrooms (one for me and one for the kitties, I guess!) - 2 bedrooms, so I will have my studio space. A small outside deck where I can put a grill and small table to sit outside, which I could not do at my last apartment.
Outside Deck

The past few weeks have been a flurry of paperwork back and forth long-distance. The guys at the UPS store up here know me! They have printed, copied, overnighted, etc. etc. Why mortgage companies insist on actual paperwork is beyond me. I had some minor issues getting copies of things from the bank to the mortgage company - everything had to come to me, then I turn around and send them out to the appropriate places. Parting with my hard-earned money (I hate that!).

And... it is a place that will belong to me. No downstairs neighbors causing fires or fighting at 9:00 at night. My new place also has a laundry room, score! I have a small bit of yard where I can plant flowers and a few vegetables :)

I am really, really happy about this. The kitties will be happy. One last move. That is it :) Stay tuned.

Kitchen - lots of cabinets!
Outside deck

Monday, March 27, 2017

3/27/17 - Maine

Random short post on a Monday night, with a small vent. I am tired and getting ready to head for bed.

I have yet to do laundry, and it desperately needs doing. The laundry-mat I have been using is very small and thus gets crowded quickly on weekends. I have to go during the week. Except the past few week days have been taken up with phone calls, transferring paperwork, information, etc. Plus I am packing like a mad woman. Movers are arriving Friday to transport the things I arrived with.

With the exception of what is coming in my car (and brother's), which is very little, everything will be gone Friday.

My back is killing me. I do not move the boxes once they are packed (cannot), but the filling of, taping, etc. is taking its toll (bending, twisting). I have 2 herniated discs which have been deemed inoperable, and a spinal condition called spondylosis - basically arthritic degeneration of the spine.

So there is that. I take prescription strength Ibuprofen to take the edge off the pain, but the past few days it has not helped a whole lot.

Fortunately I do not have much more left to pack. Some clothes and a few last-minute boxes that will come with (kitty bowls & food, coffe pot!, etc.).

I get to see my niece a bit this weekend, yay! She and her boyfriend are coming up either Thursday or Friday for the weekend. I am leaving for home (HOME!!) Saturday morning, but am really looking forward to spending some time with her :)

Big plug here, my niece has started her own blog. She is a most awesome baker, and is ALWAYS the one in charge of dessert at family meals. Check our her blog: http://thebakingbiddy.blogspot.com

I will post later this week. Promise!