Saturday, July 23, 2016

July 23 - Massachusetts

Short post here. Next Saturday I am driving down to Webster, Mass., and spending the day with some very good friends. I lived there for about 8 years - it seems a lifetime ago. Owned a house across the street from Webster Lake. I do not want nor will not get into that because of what it turned out to be in the end. I moved over an hour away for valid and very good reasons.

My life is very different now, and I am extremely happy. Settled :)

I did make some excellent and lasting friends on Birch Island (yeah, it really IS kind of an island!!). I will spend the night with one of my BFFs Chris and her husband, and an afternoon or evening pontoon boat ride on the lake with my most excellent friend Russ and his partner Mertie :)

Revisit one area I really did love so much.

Webster Lake holds the Guiness Book of World Records for the longest lake name in the world comprised of 45 letters and 14 syllables:
Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg. Try fitting THAT on a sign! But they do :) Since 1921!
Full Webster Lake sign

Webster is on the Connecticut border. The approximately 1300 acre lake is actually 3 ponds connectected by a small series of channels. Long Pond, Middle Pond, and South Pond.
Aerial view of Webster Lake
It is the third largest fresh water lake in Massachusetts (and actually larger than the Quabbin Reservoir).

Pictures next weekend! Promise!!
Sunrise over Webster Lake

Monday, July 18, 2016

July 15-17 - Maine & Boothbay Harbor, Part 2

Before we arrived in Boothbay Harbor, my sister and I stumbled upon one of those "happy accidents" I have spoken of before. We did not take a correct turn towards the Harbor, and were headed into Boothbay proper. Both of us realized we were going in the wrong direction very shortly after that occurred. We were talking; what can I say?

She pulled over to the side of the road to turn around, and we noticed a sign, and a small 1 lane paved road. Oak Grove Cemetery. It was well off the beaten path, and looked kind of cool, so we decided to check it out. It was a very small cemetery, and most of the graves were older. Extremely well kept. I took a few pictures. 
Oak Grove Cemetery

Oak Grove Cemetery

Then out of the blue, a larger headstone that read: Winslow. A family name from 'way back when some of them came over on the Mayflower (Paynes, Lovells, Montgomeries, etc.)

In more recent generations the "Winslow" has been passed down as a middle name to the eldest daughter. That would be me. Bane of my existence when I was growing up, I have come to embrace the name. Everyone wonders what the "W" in my name stands for. Now you know!
Oak Grove Cemetery, Winslow stone

So how cool was that? Truly a "happy accident", and another one of those things I think happens for a reason! We headed into Boothbay Harbor after that.

On the way out of the Harbor, there are no signs indicating which way is which. We took the road we (thought) was reversing our drive. Turned out to be... not. Much to my sister's chagrin. We ended up doing kind of a loop around Southport (actually an island), which did not really make her happy, but the scenery was gorgeous! And we did had a great time!
Rough map of region; Southport loop bottom left


Finally headed in the correct direction, there were, literally, miles and miles of traffic headed the other way. It was astounding! So of course I took some pictures. 
Traffic in opposite direction

Traffic in opposite direction
 We were very glad to be headed south on Route 1! Sister was finally breathing normally by that time :) I do not think she cared much for the "happy accident" of our unintended side trip to Southport! 

We stopped in Bath at the Kennebec tavern for a much-needed cocktail, got back on the highway, and headed back to the house.
Kennebec Tavern, Bath

Kielbasa for apps, and the very welcome sea breeze that usually arrives late afternoon. Steak tip and veggie kebabs for dinner that night, accompanied by my niece's awesome potato salad. We all played cards that evening, for quarters, but alas lady luck was not with me! My niece's boyfriend won the majority of the pot!

Settled in for a Svengoolie movie on TV (if you have never seen him, he is quite something! METV on the dial.). Alas I could not keep my eyes open until the end of the movie and headed for bed.

The previous night my sister broke out a bottle of limoncillo that had come directly from Italy. Most of us had a few sips; that is all one needs! The bottle is a work of art.
Bottle of Limoncillo
Slowly packed up the next day (yesterday) after a hearty breakfast and mimosas. I left around 11:30, and got caught in a little traffic from Wells to the NH border. A little again at the Hampton tolls. To be expected on a Sunday. Surprisingly enough, 495 was a breeze for a change.

It was a great weekend, and it is always nice to spend a few days of quality family time together :) I loved being able to see my niece for more than just a few hours (she works a LOT!).

As always... sister time cannot be beat :) :) 

I will leave you with a few of those random shots I am so fond of taking! Stay tuned!!
Random roadside on way to Boothbay

Random roadside, Boothbay Village
Random roadside in Bath

Random road pic
July 15-17 - Maine & Boothbay Harbor, Part 1

Ladies and gentlemen, once more a treat! Lots of photos from my trip to Maine, plus 2 long posts about my weekend.

It was fantastic, even though the weather was brutally hot and humid. I suffer in this weather, but fortunately my sister and her fiance's place is 2 blocks from the ocean. The benefit of sea breezes cannot be overstated! My niece and her boyfriend were up there this weekend as well, and it was really good to be able to spend time with them.

Arrived fairly on schedule Friday. Construction on 495 held me up for quite some time, but from there it was smooth sailing. Plus I was able to make up a little time on I95... ten over (or so) on the speed limit is not really not a lot... :)

Both my sister and my niece are very good cooks, so we had some outstanding food this past weekend! Friday afternoon was terribly hot and humid, so sister opted for a lighter app (originally she was planning kielbasa). My niece made a really good dip with spinach, cheese, and Rotel, and that hit the spot. Dinner was Caribbean marinated grilled chicken, potato salad, and a pasta with pesto salad. Everything was excellent, and it was the perfect meal for a hot July night :)

Saturday morning my sister and I headed up to Boothbay in her GT, about a 1-1/2 hour trip. Destination: Fisherman's Wharf in Boothbay Harbor for Bloody Marys. I had not been to Boothbay in years. It is the quintessential New England town, picture postcard perfect! We could not have ordered a better day!!
Boothbay Harbor

Boothbay Harbor

Boothbay Harbor proper is not that large, and basically goes in a big one-way circle. Tons of shops and restaurants line the street. We were not there for the shopping :)

You may think that was one long drive just for a (very excellent) Bloody Mary. There was reasoning behind our outing, besides spending a "sister day". Our parents (my Dad especially) loved Boothbay Harbor, and every year the 2 of them went there on vacation. They always stayed at Fisherman's Wharf.
Entrance to Fisherman's Wharf
We sat outside on the deck, and had Bloody Marys in honor of them and their trips there (my sister's awesome idea!). Perfect!

Two perfect Bloody Marys

Neither of us were really into the shopping thing; we had come for the scenery and the trip (and the sister time!). We sat and contemplated our next move - lunch. Both of us thought lunch at Fisherman's Wharf would be fairly pricey (it is Boothbay Harbor's largest hotel), but sister snagged a menu to take a look. The prices actually were not bad at all!

Looking at the lines already forming for some of the sandwich and take-out shops, we decided to have lunch right where we were. And what a great lunch it was! Finished with our Bloody Marys, we each ordered a frozen drink (she a strawberry daiquiri, I a mudslide). A cup of lobster bisque each, and split a grilled cheese sandwich.
Frozen daiquiri & bisque

Frozen mudslide & bisque
The bisque was chock-full of lobster, and so filling! The grilled cheese was no ordinary grilled cheese! It more resembled Bruschetta if it were made into a sandwich. Melted mozarella, with fresh tomatoes and basil on thick pieces of bread. Yum!! So filling! Neither of us could finish even half a sandwich after the bisque, so we boxed up the remainder to go.

Took a TON of pix that day! I will post some here, and some in "Part 2" of our Excellent GT Adventure! (Plus it will split up the reading as well :) )

Boothbay Harbor

Boothbay Harbor

Boothbay Harbor
Whale watching ship