Monday, July 18, 2016

July 15-17 - Maine & Boothbay Harbor, Part 2

Before we arrived in Boothbay Harbor, my sister and I stumbled upon one of those "happy accidents" I have spoken of before. We did not take a correct turn towards the Harbor, and were headed into Boothbay proper. Both of us realized we were going in the wrong direction very shortly after that occurred. We were talking; what can I say?

She pulled over to the side of the road to turn around, and we noticed a sign, and a small 1 lane paved road. Oak Grove Cemetery. It was well off the beaten path, and looked kind of cool, so we decided to check it out. It was a very small cemetery, and most of the graves were older. Extremely well kept. I took a few pictures. 
Oak Grove Cemetery

Oak Grove Cemetery

Then out of the blue, a larger headstone that read: Winslow. A family name from 'way back when some of them came over on the Mayflower (Paynes, Lovells, Montgomeries, etc.)

In more recent generations the "Winslow" has been passed down as a middle name to the eldest daughter. That would be me. Bane of my existence when I was growing up, I have come to embrace the name. Everyone wonders what the "W" in my name stands for. Now you know!
Oak Grove Cemetery, Winslow stone

So how cool was that? Truly a "happy accident", and another one of those things I think happens for a reason! We headed into Boothbay Harbor after that.

On the way out of the Harbor, there are no signs indicating which way is which. We took the road we (thought) was reversing our drive. Turned out to be... not. Much to my sister's chagrin. We ended up doing kind of a loop around Southport (actually an island), which did not really make her happy, but the scenery was gorgeous! And we did had a great time!
Rough map of region; Southport loop bottom left


Finally headed in the correct direction, there were, literally, miles and miles of traffic headed the other way. It was astounding! So of course I took some pictures. 
Traffic in opposite direction

Traffic in opposite direction
 We were very glad to be headed south on Route 1! Sister was finally breathing normally by that time :) I do not think she cared much for the "happy accident" of our unintended side trip to Southport! 

We stopped in Bath at the Kennebec tavern for a much-needed cocktail, got back on the highway, and headed back to the house.
Kennebec Tavern, Bath

Kielbasa for apps, and the very welcome sea breeze that usually arrives late afternoon. Steak tip and veggie kebabs for dinner that night, accompanied by my niece's awesome potato salad. We all played cards that evening, for quarters, but alas lady luck was not with me! My niece's boyfriend won the majority of the pot!

Settled in for a Svengoolie movie on TV (if you have never seen him, he is quite something! METV on the dial.). Alas I could not keep my eyes open until the end of the movie and headed for bed.

The previous night my sister broke out a bottle of limoncillo that had come directly from Italy. Most of us had a few sips; that is all one needs! The bottle is a work of art.
Bottle of Limoncillo
Slowly packed up the next day (yesterday) after a hearty breakfast and mimosas. I left around 11:30, and got caught in a little traffic from Wells to the NH border. A little again at the Hampton tolls. To be expected on a Sunday. Surprisingly enough, 495 was a breeze for a change.

It was a great weekend, and it is always nice to spend a few days of quality family time together :) I loved being able to see my niece for more than just a few hours (she works a LOT!).

As always... sister time cannot be beat :) :) 

I will leave you with a few of those random shots I am so fond of taking! Stay tuned!!
Random roadside on way to Boothbay

Random roadside, Boothbay Village
Random roadside in Bath

Random road pic

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