Thursday, June 29, 2017

 June 29 - Massachusetts

Been a busy week! Most of my books are put away except my reference books. Aside from all the "missings"...I do, however, have a lot of books with which I can now sit down and actually READ :) That makes me happy!

I got a replacement TV this week. My living room TV got severely damaged at some point (I do not think I have mentioned that). The TV was fairly new, and ended up with a deep scratch right across the middle which destroyed all the pixels. It was totally ruined. After conferring with my insurance company, they agreed to replace it. Got a new one delivered this week.

I also culled through my albums. The 33 1/3 kind you listen to with a quality phonograph. Which I do have (actually two). I only kept the ones I really want to listen to now. I am done with Anthrax, Iron Maiden, ELP & Led Zepplin. That was then; this is now.

Kept the obscure and the classics that still resonate: Joan Baez, Crosby Stills & Nash, Steve Forbert, Moody Blues, Simon & Garfunkel. And of course, ALL my Dylan!

That was a project I had put it off as it was rather intense, but am glad now it is done. For inquiring minds, yes - they are sorted alphabetically by singer/group. And (of course) in order of album release for those with more than one :) You would not expect anything less of me!

Tomorrow I need to do a bit of housekeeping. My BFF is coming over Sunday, and we have not seen each other in months. Not since before I went to Maine last winter. I am really looking forward to seeing her and spending time chatting! I have planned some upscale-type apps.

Wish I was traveling this summer, but circumstances curtail it. I will visit my sister and her S.O. in Maine and have a short trip planned at the end of summer, but that is about it for this year. Leaves more for next!

There is one more place I really must go, and the threads are working through my mind. I also would not mind revisiting parts of Canada. That was such an amazing trip!

Stay tuned my friends!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

June 25 - Massachusetts

Hard to believe it is almost the end of June already! Fourth of July is the week after this!

Had a busy week with  errands and appointments. Got a much-needed haircut Friday. I cannot say enough good things about Sara, the lady who cuts my hair at Owen Jacobs salon. She is awesome! It always lifts my spirits :)

Between appointments & errands I did not have as much time as I wanted to deal with things here at home.

The book thing really did throw me for quite a loop. Previously I had 9 full bookcases. I now have 3 (and 1 small one in the bedroom). Quite an adjustment. Had to order one more for the living room for books that were in my previous bedroom and survived unscathed.

I did continue this week & have pretty much reached the end. Made a list of my missing favorites. They will take some time to replace. Still cursing the previous downstairs people as I go along. It is so hard to forgive what they did and caused, knowing what they did and mostly did not do.

On the up-side (there always is one, at least in my world)...

I do have new flowers blooming in my yard! THAT makes me happy! The teacup roses are in full bloom. I also have clusters of miniature sunflowers, and a lot of day lillies! And more :) Take a look! Stay tuned, folks. The next few weeks will be hectic! :)
Miniature sunflowers


Not sure what these are, but they're pretty

Think these may be primroses!