Friday, July 28, 2017

July 28 - Massachusetts

Another short-ish post this evening. I could not write one for my brother without adding one for my most supportive encouraging sister!

My sister is the youngest; there were four of us growing up. She was quite ill for quite awhile when she was young, and my parents worried a great deal. As the eldest, so did I. I used to sneak downstairs to listen to their conversations sometimes (hey - what kid has not?).

I used to sit in a nook upstairs with her and hold her tightly and tell her stories. I wanted to ease her pain, even if just for a bit. I made the stories up in my head as we went along. I think, I hope, it helped.

We grew older and apart for awhile, as so often happens. She moved out of state and returned home several years later. We came back together, our relationship matured and took on a more solid meaning.

My sister has always been there for me, through thick and thin. This past winter - she and her significant other generously opened up their home in Maine for me after the fire so the kitties and I had a nice warm place to stay. Our relationship shifted a bit over the winter - I have mentioned that several times. For the better.

She is very left-brain oriented (numbers, analytical stuff), I am very right-brain oriented (writing, painting stuff). Yet we so easily mesh together. Always.

We share so much, yet are so opposite... when she was working so hard for her Master's degree and needed a PowerPoint presentation there were nights I stayed up past my bedtime to ensure she had it. Her patience explaining just what the heck I was trying to represent (you and your numbers, Sis!).

We have always been there for each other :)

My sister loves to shop. Me? Not so much. But I rely on her when searching for that perfect outfit or pair of shoes :) She never steers  me wrong. She gets quite determined when I tell her what I am seeking.

I do have to mention, however, she has a terrible sense of direction. When they invented the saying "can't find the way out of a paper bag", I do believe they had my little sister in mind. Good grief. That is about all I can safely say!

The trips we have taken together, the laughs.... the sorrow, the joy. The heart-to-hearts. No one can share it like a sister. She has always encouraged and supported me. Like me, she pulls absolutely no punches! She is a fellow redhead.

Once again - luck of the draw. I could not have chosen a better sister if offered. She is the best! I love you, Sis. Could not make it without ya :)

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 26 - Massachusetts

Short-ish post this afternoon; this one dedicated to my most awesome brother.

He has done so very much for me since I moved back home. He has given up more than a few weekends to help me set things right here, move things around, assemble furniture, lug and haul stuff he should not be moving. Too much to mention! Things I cannot do on my own any longer.

The night of the fire the first call I made was to my brother. My head was still spinning but he was there in a heartbeat. He took care of everything - emergency medical equipment, my cats, me. Ensured I was safely ensconced for the next few weeks, giving up a good part of his apartment living space for me and 4 cats.

He helped me with the temporary Maine move-in and return. He did all the legwork on my new digs because I could not be here. He knew my tastes and needs exactly, and was right on spot.

That is what brothers are about - at least mine. I did post recently about siblings; I am going to post separately. It deserves separate posts.

I am the eldest. My brother is next, and my sister the youngest. When we were little my brother and I did not get along so well.
Seems there was always squabling of some sort! He weighed more than I did and would sit on me until I gave in to his demands to give him part of my share of the Twinkies. (My Mom bought 1 box of sweets every week, and we were allotted 3 each.)

As we grew older we drifted back & forth. I remained in Massachusetts. He moved to Florida, Los Angeles, then New York, before finally coming back here.

Being so close in age, we share a great many of the same memories. It is nice to have someone who remembers that with you.

He has always picked me up when I needed it. He rescued Panda when she was stuck behind the fridge one night about 5 years ago and I could not move it and called him in tears. Emotionally I am much stronger now; physically not so much.

Even though he is younger, there are times when I feel as though he is my 'big brother'. He goes above & beyond - always.

Brothers. They are part of you. If I was able to choose one, I could not have done any better :) We have been there for each other through the years and always will. I feel badly for those who do not share the same bond and closeness. I realize it is rare, and cherish it deeply.

I love you, Brother!