Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 26 - Massachusetts

Short-ish post this afternoon; this one dedicated to my most awesome brother.

He has done so very much for me since I moved back home. He has given up more than a few weekends to help me set things right here, move things around, assemble furniture, lug and haul stuff he should not be moving. Too much to mention! Things I cannot do on my own any longer.

The night of the fire the first call I made was to my brother. My head was still spinning but he was there in a heartbeat. He took care of everything - emergency medical equipment, my cats, me. Ensured I was safely ensconced for the next few weeks, giving up a good part of his apartment living space for me and 4 cats.

He helped me with the temporary Maine move-in and return. He did all the legwork on my new digs because I could not be here. He knew my tastes and needs exactly, and was right on spot.

That is what brothers are about - at least mine. I did post recently about siblings; I am going to post separately. It deserves separate posts.

I am the eldest. My brother is next, and my sister the youngest. When we were little my brother and I did not get along so well.
Seems there was always squabling of some sort! He weighed more than I did and would sit on me until I gave in to his demands to give him part of my share of the Twinkies. (My Mom bought 1 box of sweets every week, and we were allotted 3 each.)

As we grew older we drifted back & forth. I remained in Massachusetts. He moved to Florida, Los Angeles, then New York, before finally coming back here.

Being so close in age, we share a great many of the same memories. It is nice to have someone who remembers that with you.

He has always picked me up when I needed it. He rescued Panda when she was stuck behind the fridge one night about 5 years ago and I could not move it and called him in tears. Emotionally I am much stronger now; physically not so much.

Even though he is younger, there are times when I feel as though he is my 'big brother'. He goes above & beyond - always.

Brothers. They are part of you. If I was able to choose one, I could not have done any better :) We have been there for each other through the years and always will. I feel badly for those who do not share the same bond and closeness. I realize it is rare, and cherish it deeply.

I love you, Brother!

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