Friday, June 3, 2016

The Last Leg of my Journey

I leave PEI Thursday morning, destination Bangor, Maine. Another long haul, plus re-entry customs. Going to be a long day and drive. I will do as much as possible down ME Tpk. (95) as the speed limits are higher and I can fly. If I was a whiskey drinker, I'd take Peter's advice that night! Alas I am not, and have one more destination on Friday.

Indian Island, or rather, Penobscot Indian Island Reservation, about 20 minutes outside Bangor.
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Image result for indian island maine
Some of my family's ancestors were Native American. Wabanaki of the Penobscot Tribe. My brother and one of my older cousins know a whole lot more about this than I do. It was buried as many family secrets are, and never spoken of while the children were being raised; brushed under the table. Especially in the '50's and '60's.

My mother finally started to tell about it when I was in my early 20's (the Native American is on the maternal side). I did visit Indian Island a few years later on a trip through the wilds of Maine, but I did not appreciate it as much as I will this time.

Image result for indian island maineOr with as much respect. There is a graveyard there I would like to visit.

And from there I head home. To my kitties and my own bed. :)

I leave in 5 days, and there is much to be done between now and then.

Stay tuned, those of you who are following!
Image result for indian island maine

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Maritime Provinces of Canada - Part 3 (Finis)

I am calling it 7 days until my trip :)This week is very busy, and the few days I have next week as well. I will take a bit of a breather over the weekend, but alas some shopping remains.I have never left my cats for this long before. Worries me a bit.

Once I leave Nova Scotia I head for Cabot Bay Island and will drive the Cabot Bay loop. I know I will not get the true, entire experience of CBI, but time is unfortunately a premium on this trip. Here are a few pix of Cabot Bay, from the web site.
Image result for pictures of cabot trail loop nova scotia

I also fully realize I will not be at the very edges of North America to get THAT GRAND view of the Atlantic (which would be in Newfoundland), I will be close enough where I can get my fill :)

Image result for pictures of point prim lighthouse peiFrom CBI, on to Prince Edward Island. There are several things I want to do while there - take in one of the Anne of Green Gables museums, of course. Something called the "bottle houses" - sounds very quirky and I cannot resist quirky! And of course some choice lighthouses. Like the mammoth bones, I also have a thing about lighthouses. They absolutely fascinate me to no end. Here is a picture of Point Prim Lighthouse, the oldest one on PEI. It is not far from where I am staying, and I will see it for sure!

PEI is a lot larger, and has a lot more going on, than one would think to look at it on a map. The southern portion of Nova Scotia has a lot of wilderness and a big national park.
I am spending equal amounts of time on both. It will not be enough, but it has to be.

My agenda on PEI is a lot looser, and more "I think I'll just see what happens". Yes, my sister will be horrified!

One thing definitely on my to-see list in PEI is to attend a ceilidh. Some of my ancestors may have been Irish (the ones who shipwrecked on the wrong coast of Canada), but more were Scottish :) They had a much better sense of direction, as the Scots settled quite a bit  of the Maritimes.

From PEI I drive to Bangor - another really long haul. Hot cup of tea, a few slices of pizza, and a nice hot bath should cure that! At least I will be back in my own time zone.

Then on to my next-to-last adventure on this trip. I will tell you about it next time.