Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Maritime Provinces of Canada - Part 3 (Finis)

I am calling it 7 days until my trip :)This week is very busy, and the few days I have next week as well. I will take a bit of a breather over the weekend, but alas some shopping remains.I have never left my cats for this long before. Worries me a bit.

Once I leave Nova Scotia I head for Cabot Bay Island and will drive the Cabot Bay loop. I know I will not get the true, entire experience of CBI, but time is unfortunately a premium on this trip. Here are a few pix of Cabot Bay, from the web site.
Image result for pictures of cabot trail loop nova scotia

I also fully realize I will not be at the very edges of North America to get THAT GRAND view of the Atlantic (which would be in Newfoundland), I will be close enough where I can get my fill :)

Image result for pictures of point prim lighthouse peiFrom CBI, on to Prince Edward Island. There are several things I want to do while there - take in one of the Anne of Green Gables museums, of course. Something called the "bottle houses" - sounds very quirky and I cannot resist quirky! And of course some choice lighthouses. Like the mammoth bones, I also have a thing about lighthouses. They absolutely fascinate me to no end. Here is a picture of Point Prim Lighthouse, the oldest one on PEI. It is not far from where I am staying, and I will see it for sure!

PEI is a lot larger, and has a lot more going on, than one would think to look at it on a map. The southern portion of Nova Scotia has a lot of wilderness and a big national park.
I am spending equal amounts of time on both. It will not be enough, but it has to be.

My agenda on PEI is a lot looser, and more "I think I'll just see what happens". Yes, my sister will be horrified!

One thing definitely on my to-see list in PEI is to attend a ceilidh. Some of my ancestors may have been Irish (the ones who shipwrecked on the wrong coast of Canada), but more were Scottish :) They had a much better sense of direction, as the Scots settled quite a bit  of the Maritimes.

From PEI I drive to Bangor - another really long haul. Hot cup of tea, a few slices of pizza, and a nice hot bath should cure that! At least I will be back in my own time zone.

Then on to my next-to-last adventure on this trip. I will tell you about it next time.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds lovely & quite a drive. Personaly I'd go for a glass of whiskey at the end of it all!

