Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday, March 12 - Massachusetts

Good afternoon intrepid followers! Welcome to the Arctic, where Winter never seems to end. After lulling us through an unseasonaby warm February, it appears Mother Nature is now trying to make up for it. We are in for one doozy of a storm starting tonight and lasting through tomorrow. Third one in ten days.

This storm is expected to dump between 8 and 14 inches of snow in the next 24 hours. The last storm was the heavy and wet snow (excellent snowball-making material), but this one will be light and fluffy accompanied by high winds. What a mix we have had so far this month!

Hope I do not lose power. The last storm I did not, but my Brother was without power for 12 hours - that stinks. I consider myself fortunate I only lost cable for about the same amount of time. Fingers crossed. Preparations made (as much as they can be).

I did take some "before" pix today to share after the storm is done. It is expected to pack a whallop.

The good thing that happened this week(end) was - Daylight Saving Time!!! Yay!! My favorite time of year.

When it starts staying light much later in the evening, carrying promises of Spring. The sky turns a gentler hue.

The cats know. According to studies, indoor cats who are fed on a (fairly) regular schedule judge their feeding time by how light it is outside. As one who has shared most of my life with cats, I concur on that. Phoebe, having fully recovered, has let me know earlier and earlier over the past few weeks that it is time for breakfast. As have Percy and Panda.

Apparently "They" (whoever "They" are) actually pay people to do these studies. "They" could just ask us cat people and get the same answers and conclusions for free.

Stay tuned! Will have pix after the storm.