Monday, March 27, 2017

3/27/17 - Maine

Random short post on a Monday night, with a small vent. I am tired and getting ready to head for bed.

I have yet to do laundry, and it desperately needs doing. The laundry-mat I have been using is very small and thus gets crowded quickly on weekends. I have to go during the week. Except the past few week days have been taken up with phone calls, transferring paperwork, information, etc. Plus I am packing like a mad woman. Movers are arriving Friday to transport the things I arrived with.

With the exception of what is coming in my car (and brother's), which is very little, everything will be gone Friday.

My back is killing me. I do not move the boxes once they are packed (cannot), but the filling of, taping, etc. is taking its toll (bending, twisting). I have 2 herniated discs which have been deemed inoperable, and a spinal condition called spondylosis - basically arthritic degeneration of the spine.

So there is that. I take prescription strength Ibuprofen to take the edge off the pain, but the past few days it has not helped a whole lot.

Fortunately I do not have much more left to pack. Some clothes and a few last-minute boxes that will come with (kitty bowls & food, coffe pot!, etc.).

I get to see my niece a bit this weekend, yay! She and her boyfriend are coming up either Thursday or Friday for the weekend. I am leaving for home (HOME!!) Saturday morning, but am really looking forward to spending some time with her :)

Big plug here, my niece has started her own blog. She is a most awesome baker, and is ALWAYS the one in charge of dessert at family meals. Check our her blog:

I will post later this week. Promise!

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