Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18 - Maine

Part 2 - Now

It has been a few days, but I wanted to finish this post and "the rest of the story".

I am staying in Maine, renting the basement apartment of my sister's other half's summer home, for the winter. He graciously opened up his home for me and my kittles for the next few months. I am safe, I am warm, and have pretty much what I need for a few months along the coast of Maine.

The apartment has everything I need - full kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms. I will be able to set up my easel and computer in the second bedroom. Her other half also very kindly obtained a library card as I only brought a few books with me. I will be able to borrow books from the local library during the winter on his card, which makes me very happy :)

My amazing insurance company delivered the boxes some friends and I had packed for Maine last Saturday afternoon. Travelers Insurance has been totally awesome through this whole ordeal. I cannot say enough for procuring renter's insurance (I always have when I rented). To those who have made fun of me for "wasting my money" - well. Sure was not from where I am standing.

Travelers came in and assessed the damage to my things after the Fire Marshall and when my landlord's insurance company was there. They have been in contact with the Fire Dept. and the cleaners and contractors who will be rehabbing the building the next few months. They packed up my entire apartment that was salvageable and put it into storage. They disposed of the items deemed unsalvageable - mostly "soft goods". Couch, bed, curtains, rugs, etc.

Travelers issued me an "emergency" check to cover things I needed immediately after. I left that night in my PJs and bathrobe, and had no clothes etc. with me. The firefighters rescued my kitties and medications, but for about 4 days that is all I had. They will cover the replacement cost of the items lost.

So apartment insurance? Oh yeah, more than well worth it :)

Now I am a temporary resident of Maine. My sister and her other half generally come up here every other week, but as it is coming up on Christmas and all they will not be back until New Year's. Unless it snows 6" or more, as it did yesterday. (Will explain in another post!)

Sister was here last weekend; movers arrived late Saturday afternoon. We shopped Sunday; I needed a bunch of stuff at Walmart and grocery store while she was here, so we did that. Small stuff I am able to pick up on my own. The big stuff not so much.

I unpacked my few boxes last week as the temperatures started to steadily drop. Suffice it to say I have not ventured outside in a week. It snowed yesterday; ended up with not quite 6". Then it started to rain early this morning. Temps are forecasted to drop again the next few days, so not a good scenario (they need their driveway to be clear). Sister's other half arrived late this morning to clean up the driveway and took care of more than a few things around the place for me as well.

Thus, my intrepid followers, I am ensconced in Maine for the season.

I have mentioned before, I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. I am scratching my head about the reason for this, but have faith the reason(s) will become clear to me. It is another phase in my life, for sure. I think I am dealing well with what has happened. The fire was not caused by me; everyone got out safely and all pets are alive and well.

Taking it a bit at a time here. "One foot in front of the other". I am OK and breathing a little easier. To reiterate: I am safe and warm. As are all my kitties. As I said in the previous post, the rest is just "stuff".

I will post next week, perhaps add some pictures of my new temporary quarters :) Temps will be going down tomorrow and Tuesday, and although I would like to get out to pick up a few random things I forgot I am not in a hurry.

Stay tuned. This WILL be an adventure!!

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