Sunday, July 2, 2017

July 2 - Massachusetts

What an excellent day I had today! My best friend came over, and we visited for hours! I have not seen her since before I left for Maine. It was sooo good to chat and get caught up :)

After some talk today, my friend opened the box marked "mix & match" - which I have (admittedly) put off for some time. Found just that inside. Living room decor. A random, but most welcome, missing book. My kitchen towels! Good grief I have tons of them...enough to outfit a small town. Etc. Well - she offered, I dared her, and it went from there!

After over 2 months of not being able to pick up a brush, I could not resist the siren song of my paints any longer. They were calling (loudly). Last week I painted my house plaque. I have a set of large concrete yard ornaments I kept from my grandmother; a "Dutch" boy and girl. They weigh a ton! And are badly in need of repainting. A friend of mine lugged one in for me, and I am working on it. The paint needs to cure for 3-4 days before being outside again.

Although I cannot work on canvases - my studio is not fit to work in yet - I was able to paint something. Makes me very happy!

I twisted my ankle Friday afternoon which precluded me from doing much this weekend. It is quite painful.

It was so good to see my friend today! It really made my weekend. Painting was the icing on the cake.

Yes, it was a very good weekend indeed :) Best friends are jewels; better than gold. Rare and highly cherished.

My heart and soul are overflowing with happiness and joy tonight :) These are the moments you hold close. Keep them tight, because they come in handy when times get rough. Light and goodness... they really do hold the world together.

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