Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesday, April 2 - Massachusetts

It is with heavy heart I post this evening. Yet another favored appliance has bit the dust.

My microwave chose a most inopportune moment to die. Sunday night, when I like to snug in bed early with HGTV and a nice warm dinner.

The microwave did not give even a hint of going bad.
Dead microwave

I am one small person. Thus when I cook, I make enough for about a week. I put the rest in containers to be MICROWAVED during the week. Supplemented by frozen dinners every few days to mix it up. All of this requires a working microwave oven.

Alas - it was not meant to be. The other night it just up and quit on me.

Me being me, I would have expected sparks or snaps or SOMEthing. Nope. This one just simply... quietly....  quit working. No warning.

In its favor, this WAS one of the longest-lasting microwaves I have owned. We actually bonded. I was hoping for another few good years. Not meant to be.

Today I made my way to Walmart for a replacement. I had done my due diligence with Consumer Reports, and was confident in my purchase. Only to discover upon unpacking and testing it that half the buttons on the unit I bought do not work.

I like the microwave; I am NOT happy with a faulty unit. (Another 'bad checkmark' for Walmart.) This is why I save receipts.

It will serve for a few days (the main buttons work) until my most awesome brother rescues me once again.

I have left a very long trail of appliances gone bad! Story of my life, but I do not consider it entirely my fault.

I have a theory about some of this. (I believe in conspiracy theories; they are prevelant).

And --- I do have pics of my living room and kitchen finally changing color which I will share shortly :)

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