Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Wednesday, August 1 - Massachusetts

Wow... I knew I was overdue for a post, but wow - over a month!! Apologies followers and friends. July rather flew by. It really did.

Not many pix tonight as I have not ventured outside a lot, mostly due to the excrutiatingly hot and humid weather the past month. Inside with the air conditioning is much better (although not so much on the utility bill!).

Part of the slack in posting is because I am now working part-time from home. It was, and still is, a bit of a learning curve as the type of business I work for is not exactly in my wheelhouse. I am doing Admin work, which is right up my alley though. Over 40 years' experience with that! Mine, however, was with engineering (think Digital Equipment Corp., GCA, Intel, etc.). This is different and taking a bit of time to acclimate.

It is working pretty well now though, and I figure one is never too old to learn :) I have my color-coded file folder thing going on and all that down pat. So it's all good.

I also lost a little over a week last month as I was quite ill. As in totally out and down for the count. Unable to even drive myself to the doctor, my most awesome brother had to cart me around that day.

Fully recuperated now and back in the game.

No real trips planned this summer, as explained earlier. I wanted to work on my home this year, and it is coming together. Slowly, but it is! Interior painting is almost done :) That has taken much longer than I anticipated.

My bathroom is also undergoing a minor renovation along with the paint. I have 2 bathrooms here, which is odd to me considering I am only one person. Two bedrooms, which I need. The larger one in the back (my sleeping space) for me as is the bathroom (also larger of the two) adjoining it. There is a smaller bedroom in the front, with an attached full bath (also smaller). I set up the front bedroom as an office/studio space, mostly studio. Makes sense to me - even though I am one person I have always required two bedrooms (the studio space).

Having a second bathroom baffles me a bit. I really do not need it. Therefore it holds overflow products and a spare kitty box. It is a cozy bathroom should it ever become more useful however.

So the minor renovation - I was obsessed for months about the fact that my original commode was obviously designed for people with very short legs. Found the one I wanted, got it, and installed. So happy!! The over-the-commode maple color cabinet that was there will go in the front bathroom (so there is a use for that!), and I have a wall-mount white one which will suit my new decor better. Something like this.

Pictures when it is done!

Meantime, life goes on here. I am hoping to get in a weekend Sister visit before the Summer is gone (she did say we would...). Also planning my Brother's and my annual Columbus Day weekend trip to Martha's Vineyard. Ferries and hotels must be booked ASAP as they fill up quickly.

While I was not looking Boris #1 (the big spider) packed up and left. No note. Boris #2 (the one with fangs) has also disappeared (I think he moved outside). Boris #3 hangs out in the corners. The tiny one has grown up quickly; I call him Boris #1 now. Here is a (blurry) recent pic of him.

Stay tuned, my friends. I promise it will NOT be so long between posts the next time!

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