Saturday, September 24, 2016

Saturday, September 24

Very short post. Much to do next week, and not enough time :)

Less than a week until Martha's Vineyard! I cannot wait!

My brother and I head out next Friday morning; we have a 12:00 ferry to catch, Figure we can do a little sightseeing in Oak Bluffs and grab lunch in the area before we check into our rooms.

Check out a bit of the Island before dinner. Next day (Saturday) we will be up and about! I spoke to him about the lighthouses today. He is not caught up to date on my blog, but we did talk about them. He agreed to visit them with me :)

Although he did threaten to throw me over Aquinnah's cliffs if he thought I became unreasonable! So I shall not be :)

I have traveresed back and forth more times on those ferries than I can recount. To both Vineyard Haven and Oak Bluffs (MV has 2 incoming ports). Back when they still allowed smoking on the outside decks (dating myself, I know).

My brother has never been to Martha's Vineyard. He is excited to see the Island and its history and beauty. Part of Massachusetts he has never seen.

I am soo looking forward to the adventure as well! I want to see the Vineyard one last time, revisit some of the places I became enamored with. I am very happy to be able to share it with my brother! :)

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