Tuesday, October 4, 2016

September 30 - October 2, Martha's Vineyard

Part 1 - Friday, September 30

Ladies and gentlemen! If you are following, you will get a treat spread out over the next few days (with lots of pix!) :) Several posts on Martha's Vineyard.

My brother and I headed out mid-morning Friday to catch the 12:00 ferry from the Cape. The weather was not spectacular, but we made it in plenty of time and I was able to get a few pix. As many times as I have taken the ferry, I have never taken my own vehicle over. So this was a first!


We got a seat inside, as the weather started to turn once the ferry was underway. The ocean was pretty choppy, and you could even feel the ferry rock (which is rare). Fortunately neither of us is prone to sea sickness. So my brother and I celebrated the start of the weekend with a beer during the 45-minute crossing.

We were supposed to land at Oak Bluffs. However... we landed in Vineyard Haven. I recognized the terminal as soon as I saw it, but did not say anything to brother. There was no announcement as to why the change in landing, but it did not really matter as the terminals are not terribly far apart (and I knew where I was).

I drove around for a bit, and we scoped out the general area in search of lunch. We ended up at the Lookout Tavern in Oak Bluffs, directly across the street from the OB terminal. It soon became apparent why the change in terminals: loss of power (the guy in the bucket truck was a give-away!).

Fueled up (brother had a Ruben, I had chicken salad sandwich with cranberries), I handed brother the car keys, and we drove around a bit more in the local area (hotel check-in was not until 3:00).

Unfortunately the weather took a really nasty turn that afternoon. It was extremely windy, very chilly, and raining hard.The waves were coming over the sea wall as we drove towards the Inn.

We arrived a bit early, but our rooms were ready and we were able to check in. What a place! The rooms were huge, and each of us had a kitchenette. My room had a full-size refrigerator! I will post about the inn separately.

We headed back to downtown Oak Bluffs for dinner at Martha's Vineyard Chowder Co. One of my brother's favorite foods is clam chowder, and this restaurant has won awards for years for their chowder (I researched it before we left). I do not care for it, but there were plenty of options on the menu! I wanted him to get the full experience :)

I had scallops with wild rice and minced veggies, and a wonderful cream sauce. Brother had the clam chowder and baby-back ribs. My scallops were to die for!
Ribs & chowder

Scallops & wild rice

We had an extremely interesting night, to put it mildly! They seated us in a corner, and there was a large table of at least 12 people about arm's length away (tables are very close together). It was a 50th birthday party! The birthday boy was sporting these funky glasses and a party hat, so I asked if I could take his picture. I ended up with several!
Birthday boy
Birthday boy

Turned out we had the same taste in socks :) I was wearing a pair of argyles, and he had just bought some that he had to show off! Loved them!!
Comparing socks

Birthday boy's socks

When he got his cake and champagne, for some inexplicable reason the entire table turned and toasted me after the birthday boy. They even gave me a glass of champagne (I never turn that down!!).

How cool was that?


Not only did I make friends with the birthday people, I made some friends in the ladies' room! There was a bit of a wait, and a bunch of girls ahead of me. I was wearing my converse sneaks that night, and 2 of them expressed their love of my Kicks! Especially when I displayed they were high-tops!

Blender issues that night. Dinner and excitement done, I wanted a frozen mudslide. The restaurant did not have a working blender (really?) but pointed us in the direction of a bar up the street. Sharky's. They did accommodate!!
Frozen mudslide at long last!
Perfect ending to a great, and totally offbeat!, day. I thoroughly enjoyed myself :)

Saturday's adventures will post tomorrow!

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