Friday, February 3, 2017

February 3 - Maine

Once again it is a chilly and windy day here in Maine. Of course the "chilly" is to be expected in February, anywhere in New England! Fortunately I have been able to go out and do a little shopping to fill in the wardrobe so it is more weather-appropriate. Heavy socks (a MUST up here), nice warm insulated gloves, thermal underclothes, a few heavy sweaters :)

I still want to get a few more items, but I have the basics. As mentioned a few posts back, it was a bit of a whirlwind the day I was able to go back to the apartment to pack what I would need for the winter. I had limited time, and a lot going on that day. Made the decisions I had to. Plus I had to pack up all my food and try to figure out what I would need in the way of cooking utensils, pots and pans, etc.

View out kitchen window
Without further ado, here are the rest of the interior photos I took up here in my little corner of the world. The first one is another random 'looking out the window' pic. There are only 5 (very small) windows here compared to the 17 extremely generous ones in my previous apartment. And - it is sunlight as of a bit.

Also a picture of the fire extinguisher I have here. The ones I have had before were the small wall-mounted type. Now this sucker is a SERIOUS fire extinguisher! I will definitely look into getting one in my next place. It makes me feel safe. And for some reason reminds me of being in school (e.g. - "break glass to use").
Now THIS is a fire extinguisher!

I have my desktop computer set up as well. Had to purchase a monitor, keyboard and mouse as I did not have time to grab what I had at the apartment.
Computer set up

Finally, my easel! When the insurance company brought my boxes up here they forgot to put my easel on the truck (even though it was listed as coming here). Fortunately some excellent friends came to the rescue, and near the end of December my sister and brother transported it to Portsmouth, NH, where we had lunch and loaded it into my car.

Easel (note small clearance!)
Having finally made the journey, it suffered a bit in moving. Some of the screws on the back side were missing which prevented me from setting it up. My sister's significant other remedied that for me. After a few moments of "wow will this fit after all of that?" - it IS a full-size easel - it did. Barely, as you can see, but it fit.

So I am set up and ready to paint! I did have to make a trip to Michael's (art store) for some basic, much needed supplies that I slapped myself in the head for not packing.


It is all good now :) If you do not believe me, then believe my napping kittles. They have settled in very nicely :)
Orion, Phoebe & Percy napping

Panda napping

Stay tuned!

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