Thursday, February 9, 2017

February 9 - Maine

A brief post today. The first "real" Nor'Easter of winter arrived with a vengeance this morning, and is still ongoing. It is hard to determine how much snow we really have up here due to the high winds and drifting, but judging from what has accumulated on my car it looks to be about 8 inches. There are spots where the wind has blown the snow into drifts that come up the door handle of my car, yet other spots where you can almost make out the lawn. That is how windy it is up here on the coast!

I did take a few photos this afternoon to share. Because of the wind, all but 2 of the windows down here are blocked in by snow, so I went upstairs to snap a few to get a better idea.
View out front window (that is snow piled up there)

View out of other front window

View out the door to the outside world

I had intended to go out yesterday to do some much-needed laundry, but was unable to get out of the driveway. It had snowed, then rained, on Tuesday. Excellent snowball-making snow! Not so much for anything else. Even though it was only about 4 inches, the plows up here are relentless. The hump they left at the end of the driveway came halfway up my license plate (over the bumper), and is over a foot wide.

Not conducive to driving, even after the warm temps and melt of yesterday. I cannot shovel, so alas was unable to get out. I did manage to clear it off my car knowing today's storm was coming, but that was easy - all I had to do was push the piles of snow off the windows etc.!

I did have an appointment to look at an apartment tomorrow, but rescheduled. My sister's significant other will be up at some point tomorrow to snowblow the driveway. Although today's snow is light and fluffy (yeah I did check!), he will still have a big job in front of him and does not need added pressure from me "having to get out" when it was easy enough to reschedule.

Here are the rest of the pix from today's storm! Enjoy, and stay warm :)
My car. The snow.

My car being buried by snow
Looking toward street from upstairs

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