Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 21 - Massachusetts

Very short post this afternoon. Appointments today and Friday; errands tomorrow.

Hit the wall in a serious way this week. Not sure exactly what that "last straw" was. I think a combination of the book thing, plus looking at all the boxes yet to be unpacked (mostly decor at this point - plus all the boxes in my studio) rather put me on edge. Left me feeling a bit down. As though I should have a lot more accomplished at this point.

So I called my most supportive, encouraging sister :) She has an upbeat way of pointing things out I overlook at times.

And sometimes - you just need to talk to your sister :)

Felt so much better afterward!

I realize, too, how very fortunate I am that my siblings and I ARE so close and get along so well. I know far too many people who do not get along with or talk to their siblings. I feel sad for them and what they are missing out on.

Friends come and go; acquaintances pass through. Best friends are very rare and cherished. But siblings... one cannot choose them. The stars, the heavens align, and you get the luck of the draw :)

To know you can call your brother or sister and know they will be there for you in a heartbeat - means the world. They have always been there for me, and especially during the past 6 months. We have always been here for one another. That is simply how it is. We are the fortunate.

Sometimes for no other reason than to talk it out.

It is - totally and absolutely - priceless.

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