Sunday, August 27, 2017

August 27 - Massachusetts

There is a "National string cheese day". Who knew? It is September 20 (I learned from today's paper) . I do not care for the stuff. While I firmly believe in Kraft singles (thank you, whoever invented them), my taste in cheese runs to the real thing: brie, swiss, cheddar (milder cheeses). String cheese - why?

Your trivia for the day.

No pix today, just a short-ish post.

I was incorrect last week when I said no one could see my blog followers. As my sister pointed out. I do not normally view my blog from a reader's perspective; typically I log in as the author. Thus I did not know. I tried it, and yes, the names do pop up when you hover over "followers". Although I did change the title on that! Humor me :)

I did a bit of work in the front room / soon to become studio. Caught up with daily tasks. Spent a very enjoyable Friday afternoon with a neighbor sitting on my deck. Weather was perfect. Next week I have to buckle down and make some real headway in there. Smaller of the 2 bedrooms, but perfect for my needs - and has a FULL bath in there as well! Half the boxes are reference books and paperwork which can be discarded now (the paperwork, not the books). The rest is art supplies & computer equipment.

But at least I am down to that! Far cry from my box-filled kitchen & living room of several months ago!

Spoke with my best friend from Webster the other night. She and her husband are going to visit the weekend after Labor Day. I am hoping they will spend the night so we can grill up some steaks or kebabs or something :)

As a last note, I FINALLY finished painting my Dutch boy yard statue. In retrospect, it was painful from my perspective. The Dutch boy & girl statues are solid cement & predate my time. They belonged to my grandmother. For anyone who has not tried to refurbish / restore a yard ornament: it requires special 'outdoor' acrylics. Several coats as cement sucks them up like someone in desperate need of water. Rough edges; hard to paint to my standards. Verrrrry long cure time on the paint.

He is done, just needs 2 coats of sealer. Then I can paint the Dutch girl. Yay. At least I know what I am in for :)

Stay tuned!

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