Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wednesday, August 23 - Massachusetts

Good afternoon intrepid followers! Special "thank you" to those who signed on to be Followers on my blog. No one but I can view who you are, if that is any comfort to those who are undecided.

This past Saturday I was FINALLY able to host a BBQ here! Both my siblings, and my sister's Significant Other were here. It was so nice, and we had such a great time. The weather cooperated, and although it was hot (to be expected in August), it did not rain. My sister brought me some gorgeous flowers!!
I love getting flowers and having fresh flowers in the house. These had a purple theme and miniature roses. Absolutey lovely, and totally unexpected.

Gave my sis & her S.O. the short tour; she had been here shortly after I moved in (filled with boxes) but he had not. It was so worth the work I put in last week trying to make the place company friendly! (Not only for them, but I have really been enjoying it too. So OK brother - you were right. Again :) )

Had some appetizers on the deck - brother made an awesome crab dip & I had made deviled eggs, complemented with a round of wine slushies. A bit later brother fired up my new little grill for the meal: terriyaki & sesame ginger marinated chicken legs. Wish I got a pic of those! They were huge! I do not think I would want to meet the chicken they came from. Grilled fresh asparagus with Hollandaise sauce and my pasta salad finished the meal.
Deviled eggs

Pasta salad

We were too full for dessert right then, but decided on another round of wine slushies! Well - I had the ingredients & an open bottle of wine already.

So why not? They were the hit of the day, I think! They were pureed frozen strawberries and wine topped with pureed frozen peaches and wine. I had made the peach part the day before. So yum!
Wine slushies

Wine slushies

Not as "yum" as my sister's dessert! It was heavenly. Graham cracker crust topped with strawberry, banana, and pineapple with a thin cake and Cool Whip mixed in between.

Wow!! It was sooo yummy. I rolled into bed that night!

It was the perfect afternoon with the people I love best. Life does not get any better than that :)

I have not done a heck of a lot this week. To be truthful, I have been enjoying having the living room space actually BE a living room. Sans (most of) boxes. I have been reading in the evening. I would say 'guilty pleasure' but I do not consider reading a waste of time. Far from it. To me, reading feeds the mind, just as art feeds the soul.

I will work on my studio the rest of this week and next. My brother is taking some much deserved & needed vacation time for himself, so I have two weeks. I am confident I will make progress :)


  1. Replies
    1. I will email you the link to the recipes. I think there were 20 or 21 on the site! Lots to choose from. Most do not actually use a lot of wine, so several batches go far. I only used 1 bottle of wine for a total of 8 slushies! Very refreshing summer drink & can be made ahead of time & frozen.
