Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wednesday, October 18
Martha's Vineyard, Day 5 - Tuesday, October 10

Good evening! Last Tuesday - our last day on the Vineyard - dawned sunny, warm, and beautiful! I have come to believe it is my fate that the day I leave is one of the best weather days!

Short-ish post  tonight (compared to the past week's!), and a few scattered pix.

I slept in a bit (well, not much). Enjoyed morning coffee and a smoke on the back patio. Packed my stuff and readied everything to go. :( Car packed & checked out, Brother headed into downtown for breakfast. Linda Jean's! We both ordered eggs Benedict; long day ahead. We were booked on the 1:15 ferry, and it is about a two-hour drive home from here.

Taking the time, Brother drove around through some of the more neighborhood-type streets, just kind of wandering. We ended up at a small harbor not far from the ferry. Sat outside enjoying the day along the waterfront.

Brother wandered down to a small market to get an ice tea for him and a bottle of water for me. I was happy to park myself on a bench and revel in the beauty of the day. After Columbus Day the Vineyard pretty much shuts down. All Monday's ferries were booked solid with returnees. Brother wanted the extra day, and without the crowds it was so well worth it!

Ocean harbor

Ocean harbor
 And Tuesday! It was such gorgeous weather and magnificent. Crowds were gone. While I was sitting on the bench snapping pix of the harbor, I met some random local people who were very friendly. A lady jogging said hello. A couple bicylcling. An older couple walking a totally cute dog also stopped, greeted me and we spoke.


Finally it was time to head to the ferry.

Hotel grounds
I had a wonderful, almost magical time this year. The cliffs of Aquinnah - the alpacas - the food!! (Think I gained about 10 pounds!) The lighthouses Brother indulged me in (thank you!!)! The weather was pretty perfect this year! Everything.

Looking forward to next year and its adventures :) Stay tuned, my friends, lots happening around here as well. I leave you with some pix of the hotel.
Hotel grounds

Hotel & grounds

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great time! I"m jealuos of your weather! Loved the pix. Glad it was good for you. I can't wait to see what's next.
