Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday, February 19 - Massachusetts

Good afternoon, intrepid followers! Not a lot to report from my corner of Massachusetts, but I have been busy. No pix today, but you know you will get them next time!

The weather is incredibly odd for February. January was really (really) cold, and we had a few snowstorms that dumped quite a bit of the white stuff. February not so much.

Unusual, given that February is generally the snowiest month. We have had a few snows, of course, but nothing major. Then the temperatures started shooting up into the 40s for a few days before plunging back to the more normal 20s etc. normally found in the midst of Winter. Granted it is a very chilly 42 or so degrees, but still... I half expect to see early blooms pushing up in the garden any day :)

Few inches of snow Saturday night, but not much to speak of. Then yesterday and today were upper 30s.

I am happy to report I have finally shaken most of last month's lethargy. The addition of more veggies and fruit to my diet does indeed seem to have helped considerably. I have been cleaning and straightening the place as I can, and feel so much better. A few achy muscles, but is a good ache. I have been getting up earlier than I was as well, and I like that. It is a good thing.

Phoebe sleeps with me at night, all curled up under my arm (I am a side sleeper), and changes sides when I roll over. Some mornings I do not have the heart to wake her, and lie in bed listening to or watching TV until I need to get up or she starts gently pawing my face, "chirupping", letting me know she is hungry for breakfast.

I had a bit of a scare with Phoebe a few weeks ago. She was not eating - and of course it was the weekend. Called my vet first thing Monday and took her in. No fever or signs of illness, they did bloodwork & gave her fluids & meds to decrease stomach acid/increase appetite. She has been her normal little self since. Phoebe is 20, which is like 103 in people years. And - she is my heart kitty.

I am still waffling on a return trip to Canada, for several reasons. Much as I so really, really want to go there are more practical reasons keeping me on this side of the fence. Will keep you apprised.

Started a list - my infamous lists! - of projects that need to be done in my humble abode. After almost a year, I can no longer stand the garish green paint on the walls of my living room and kitchen. Painted (badly) by the previous owners, the tropical greens are driving me quite mad. They torment me and I have actually become angry about the color on several occasions.

I require something more subtle and soothing. Same with my bathroom & laundry area. I cannot wait to replace the pink with a more adult color!

I have in mind exactly what I want. That may take a bit as I will need some help to complete it. A mural also popped into my head last week. Simply came to me. Its location and subject will be a surprise :)

Stay tuned, my friends! I am roughly outlining an outside hummingbird/butterfly garden as well.

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