Saturday, February 3, 2018

Saturday, February 3 - Massachusetts

Good afternoon! Snippets today; I had not intended a post today and I am sure my followers were not expecting one so soon.

Most Saturdays are "grocery shopping". My Brother comes over and we shop, then spend a companionable afternoon catching up and solving the problems of the world. Today, however, he did not feel well. Low grade fever, sore throat, voice is gone, aches and pains. He wisely stayed home in bed with medicine.

Despite the 18/20 degree temps today I had to venture out to the local market. Why, and what would actually get me to move this week you ask? The second worst of my scenarios. I ran out of 1/2 & 1/2 for my morning coffee. Ayup.

I love my morning coffee; cannot function without it. I set up the coffee maker the night before. All that is required in the morning is to push the button. While I open the blinds and feed the cats, that wondrous aroma of hot coffee fills my senses.

I do not use a lot of 1/2 & 1/2, but cannot drink coffee black. That, my friends, got me bundled up and out to the store. While I was there I perused the fresh fruit section, but it was rather bare. Small local store where I do not do normally do 'major' shopping. The grapes (which I had in mind yesterday) looked rather pitiful. I do not buy large quantities of fruit as I am only one small person. If I got a cantaloupe, for instance, most of it would go bad before I ate it.

I got Dole fruit cups - peaches and Mandarin oranges. Perfect! Also picked up a few bags of veggies.

 Got me out, and moving :) Albeit in 20 degree weather. WOW it was cold today (and windy)! Literally took my breath away.

February in New England - gotta love it!

I received an invite from a friend to see "Love Never Dies" at the Boston Opera House next week. She has an extra ticket. A sequel to "Phantom of The Opera", it has received mixed reviews. I reserve judgment.

I cannot wait! I have not been into the theater district in quite some time, and am really looking forward to it.

I do love theater and all it entails.

Take that any way you wish :)

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to see your postings again. The story of the key battery was funny. I like your humor. Hope the vegies & fruit perk you up.
    PS, sorry your team lost Sunday. I don't follow football but watched some of the game. More of a hockey fan.
