Saturday, May 21, 2016

April 2016

I love the White Mountains of New Hampshire. They are one of my favorite places in the world -- and I have done more than my fair share of traveling throughout my life. I keep returning there; I think they are probably the closest thing to heaven on earth.

My sister and I went for a weekend in late April. We try to do a few "sister" weekends a year, and this year she surprised me at Christmas with a weekend to the White Mountains. While she left the basics of the planning up to me, we took her car (brand new 2016 Mustang GT!!) to give it a workout on the Kancamagus and some of the back roads of the mountains.

Sister and Her GT

The weather did not disappoint. It showered a little the Friday afternoon we left, but the remainder of the weekend was gorgeous weather-wise. Or at least as much as it can be in the fickle month of April in the mountains! We rented a housekeeping cottage just outside Conway.
The Cottage

Fireplace. Awesome!
We both like them for many reasons: the privacy as opposed to a hotel, the ability to cook your own meals if you choose, the roominess, and just the sheer homey-ness of the places. These particular cottages had working stone fireplaces that dated back to 1932. Bonus!

We arrived in time to do a little window shopping locally, and stopped for apps & cocktails at a place called Horsefeathers. Good food (lousy waitress). Did a little more exploring and found the Seadog Brewery where we had the most amazing blueberry vodka drinks, complete with fresh blueberries (and a much better waitress). Perfect!

Saturday we met up with our cousin and her daughter for a leisurely lunch, and perused a few of the myriad shops in Conway.

Then took the GT through her paces down the Kancamagus. Amazing what that car can do! Disclosure: I have owned Mustang GTs most of my life, and love them like no other vehicle :) My sister is a recent convert, so of course I had to show her what her new baby could do! Big frown on my part, she threatened me if I scared her with my driving I would be forbidden from ever getting behind the wheel of her car again.

Now really, if you do not take a car like that to its edges, what is the point? Alas my reputation as a driver preceeded me (and she has ridden shotgun with me before, eyes closed, fists clenched at times). We both survived, and had a blast doing so!
Me, not scaring my sister

We discovered a few new roads, and drove down BearNotch Road, which cuts across the Kanc. Most of it is closed in the winter (gates and all), and we soon discovered why. The sheer dropoff on either side accompanied by the lack of guardrails and incline/decline would qualify that as one of New England's most dangerous roads come bad weather. Scary enough in good weather. Gorgeous scenery, though! Cannot be beat :)

We decided to cook on the grill at the cottage that night, so stopped at the grocery store for provisions. The grocery store pic: she said it would only take her a few minutes and would be faster without me. However -- I took all the pictures I could of the mountains while she was inside, and made friends with a bunch of people in the parking lot before she finally came back muttering about the marinade for the chicken.
Grocery store. Because sister took so long shopping.

We headed back to the cottage, but not before opting for one more of those amazing blueberry vodka drinks at SeaDog! 

Sister Firing Up The Grill

 Later that night we had a fire in the fireplace as it was a bit chilly. The cottage owners brought over a bundle of firewood and kindling. They do provide a starter log, but unfortunately we had some issues getting the fire actually started. We both have excellent fire skills, and blame it thoroughly on the starter log. It was not a DuraFlame (which we will bring next time!). In the end I sacrificed my unread newspaper to the fireplace gods, which appeased them enough so we were finally able to enjoy a roaring fire.

Lest anyone blame it on the cocktails or the bottle of Prosecco we had, in the morning when we packed up big chunks of that stupid starter log STILL remained in the fireplace. Eco friendly it may be, but fire friendly it is not.

Too soon, headed home. Stopped for brunch at an eclectic place in Portsmouth, Street and Co., just outside downtown. I had the most amazing French toast -- it was more like a sandwich filled with creamy goodness. Of course I could only eat half of it; it was that filling. Plus we split a bowl of fresh fruit. We decided then and there this will be an annual trip for us from now on.

The White Mountains may not be the Rockies, or the Alps (and I have been to both), but it is hands down one of my absolute favorite places on earth. I never tire of the scenery, the Kanc, the majestic mountains, and Mount Washington rising out of the mist in all of its glory. Takes my breath away every single time.

I will be back! Sister time is priceless, and precious. Sharing something you both love cannot be beat!

     PS -- No moose sightings this time (still!). Eventually I hope to see one, albeit not up close!


  1. Sounds like you guys had a great time! Can't wait to read about your upcoming travels!!! Xo

  2. Sounds like it was a blast!

  3. I love re-living our trip. I can't wait to hear and see all about your Canadian travels. I agree sister time is the best!! Love you big sis!

  4. Lose the Hannaford pic. I see enough stores all the time. Just my opinion.
