Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 23, Massachusetts

I have several short trips coming up in the next few months. My sister's fiance owns a vacation house in Maine not far from Portland and Old Orchard Beach. I am visiting there for about 4 days in 3 weeks. (And plotting another solo short trip - stay tuned!)

Short trip to Maine; my brother and I switch cat-caring duties when one of us is gone. I know and fullly admit mine are a lot more work - he only has one. I have four, all of which are long haired (2 males, 2 females). Lovely to look at and snuggle up with and have in your lap. Not so much to clean up after!

Having never been away from them as long as I was on my trip to Canada, I did not realize how much the kittles (and therir fuzz) actually affect my household and daily routine. First thing that came onto my radar when I got home was wiping down the counters (they still need to be sanitized with Clorox). I have vacuumed twice. Had to change the sheets as they were coated with cat fuzz (after brushing them thoroughly with a de-fuzzing brush before washing!).

I have been more cognizant of their fuzzz and messes since my return. Did not realize how much I actually do really pick up during the day and absentmindedly clean up the cat fur as I go along. Being long-haired they constantly generate these  "poofs"... little puffs of cat fuzz that will (and do) end up in the corners unless you keep after them. They build up very quickly, and generally I keep up with them as I go without thinking.

Given enough time I think the kittles would replicate themselves. Given the amount of fur and fuzz I have cleaned up, vacuumed, washed, etc. in the past 6 days I do not think it impossible!

And I totally and absolutely love them. Would not trade them for the world :)

I have done 2 loads of laudry, and have 1 more to go. My physical limitations mean I have to take it slowly. Not only with the laundry but with the cleaning, etc.

I am good. Better than good! I cannot stop the excellent trip and experience I had in Canada from looping in my head. That is a very good thing :)

Next week is busy for me. I am a member of the town Cultural Council and have things I need to do with that, appointments. Etc.

Will post again next week :)


  1. I need to know where you are off to next!!

    1. Maine for a few days in a few weeks :) Staying local for awhile. Toying with the idea of re-visiting Martha's Vineyard early fall (Sept.). Haven't been in some time, & I always loved it there. It would be nice to share it with someone, and we shall see if anyone bites :)

      Otherwise, I am still plotting and planning!
