Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28 - Massachusetts

We are actually getting a "real" Spring this year! As fellow New Englanders will attest, that does not always happen. Some years we go from the cold and snow of Winter directly to really warm temps and humidity of (early) Summer. There have been years when I have had my A/Cs in the windows by now; other years it is still too chilly to even crack a window (and it snowed). No in between.

This year we are getting that in between: Spring! And I (and the cats) love it! Throw open the windows and get the fresh air :) After being cooped up all winter, who does not look forward to Spring? This year it is very welcome. In my new yellow house with flowers blooming all around outside. Here is Panda enjoying the kitchen window. And Phoebe & Percy fuzzing up my bed.

Panda napping in the sun
Phoebe (L) & Percy (R) napping

Yes I am still unpacking. Found my every day plates, and more glasses than I realized I owned. And still ruthlessly purging.

I kind of overdid it between Wednesday and yesterday and am unfortunately paying for it today. Washed and put a lot of kitchen things away. Straightened out the bedroom closet (clothes & shoes), put towels and winter coats away.

Went through curtains - where did they all come from?? 99% of them ended up in the trash as they will not suit here. Too bad, as some of them are really quite nice and a few looked to be brand new. A lot were from my "yellow & black" phase - yellow living room with black curtains. Made a dramatic statement at the time (and looked darn good!), but the spaces were a lot larger as well.

I will paint this place, but in softer tones. I want a light grey (on the bluish side) for the living room, and have not quite decided on the kitchen color. Not blue, not white. Maybe a darker grey with a small red accent wall. Currently the living room is an odd shade of bright green, and the kitchen a bright tropical shade of teal. Not my style!

The hall / laundry area and my main bathroom are pink. Why??? Unless one has small children, what adult deliberately paints rooms pink? Bathroom will eventually be a very soft yellow, and I am leaning toward lavender for the hall & laundry area. Best part is I already have the yellow, and the lavender will only require a quart :)

The previous owners were gardners of a sort, and I am reaping the benefits of that in my small yard. The daffodills are a welcome addition, and the tulips (which just opened) are stunning. I love both! I think there are irises out there as well (which I love), and there are 2 small rose bushes. I used to love gardening, and will add to the selection of spring flowers with crocuses and hyacinths, which I adore.

Unfortunately there are hostas coming up as well. You either love hostas or not. I do not. They overtake the garden. And unfortnately - their roots are rhizomes, and without an herbicide they are difficult to eradicate. I will find the correct herbicide. I will eradicate them!

I leave you with some pix of the daffodils and tulips I am currently enjoying. Spring! :)



Tulips close up

More tulips


  1. Loving the flowers- especially the tulips (my favorite)

    1. They are so pretty and cheerful! One of my favorites as well. A lot more came up in the past few days, in different colors, which I will post pix of soon. They make me happy :)
