Friday, June 2, 2017

Friday, June 2 - Massachusetts

Standard cabinet height is 36.5". Which is OK if you are 5'5" or so. I am 5'7"&3/4". It does not work well for me. Never has. Working on a counter top and having to hunch over it hurts. It especially kills my back now.

That extra 2-1/2 or 3" height would really be most welcome!

Short (ha ha) random post on a Friday night. My very good friend came over this afternoon and assembled a small case for me which now holds my tablecloths & candles. Awesome! Small spaces equals small furniture :) I am actually loving it so far.

Bookcases got delivered today. Yeah, I am at the point where what is left of my furniture & boxes need to be shuffled around again so I can start on the "wall of books" that is currently occupying a great deal of my living room.

I cannot wait! I have been filled with fear and trepidation for the past 6 months - not knowing what survived and what did not. I am steeled for this. Looking at the book boxes, I am filled with dread, anticipation, and anger.

Dread what is missing. Anticipation for those that did :) Anger that likely - judging by the number of boxes - many of my books did not make it intact.

I am still making friends here in the Park, and so many people have given me their numbers! It truly is a good community where people watch out for one another and are friendly and helpful. I love it here :)

Next week is busy, but stay tuned!

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