April 10 - Massachsetts
Moving Home, Part 2
I did not do a thing today towards unpacking (well not much). My back was killing me, my arms were sore, and etc. I needed some computer time with finances and dealing with email. I do not want to burn myself out before I even finish unpacking the kitchen and trying to find T-shirts (somewhere?). As opposed to the winter clothes I packed in December.
Spent the past few days unpacking what I could. Food is put away, got kitchen drawers lined and most kitchen implements put away. Did a few loads of laundry (yay!!). Nice to have my OWN machines back :)
My brother came over the other day and changed the locks for me and moved some of the heavier boxes into place so I could unpack easier. Most bathroom items are unpacked. I have not located the majority my towels yet, but I took enough with me to Maine to last awhile.
Still no sign of my silverware. Sigh.
After spending the winter huddled in a basement apartment with low ceilings in the brutally cold weather of Maine (kidding, sis!), my legs have taken a toll as well. Small space, freezing temps and snow - I did not get out much. Making up for it now :) "They" (doctor/scientific community) say it takes a few months for your muscles to acclimate to a different routine and rebuild.
I spent the morning with a pot of coffee and a muffin. Walked around a lot. I was rebuilding :)
My brother came over this afternoon and dealt with a bunch of trash for me (Tuesday is trash day). Surprised how much trash I have generated in just a few days. Wait 'til next week, boys!
I wish I could accomplish more in a day, but am well aware of my limitations.
Stay tuned, my friends.
Glad to read your back home and getting settled. I've been reading your posts but have had a few computer problems here. Looks like a nice place. Good luck with the unpacking and all.