Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9 - Massachusetts

Moving Home - Part 1

I am home :) HOME :) :) It is late and I am tired, but I wanted to put up a short post before I retire.

What a whirlwind the past few weeks have been! The movers arrived on schedule a week ago Friday in Maine to take my things back to Massachusetts. Everything was ready to go for them, so it did not take long. A few more boxes than what I arrived with. I had to purchase some items while I was in Maine this winter, and when I repacked I had more time and was able to separate things more evenly (and mark them!).

Arrived with 15 boxes, left with 19 (my Mass. helpers put ALL my wine & liquor bottles in 1 box - surprised it arrived intact. I split it in half). Here are a few pics of the boxes in Maine, ready to go.
Boxes in Maine

More boxes

Few more boxes

Few last boxes

Then it snowed. Roads were pretty bad, so I did not leave until Sunday. My brother arrived, we packed the cars, and headed back to Massachusetts :)

My closing was the following day and went smoothly. (Parting with my money again... I do not like spending a lot of money!) Movers were supposed to arrive around 12/12:30, but a problem with their truck held them up for several hours.

Long story short, they arrived and delivered my things. It has been quite the experience since.... Cable company came Wednesday to install, and ran into an issue. Someone cut the cable connection outside & it needs to be reinstalled underground; meantime I have a temporary connection but is working just fine.

My new bed was delivered Thursday. It is awesome! One cannot buy a bed without trying it out in person, which of course I did :) My brother would not let me stay here until the bed arrived. I thought that was really sweet of him.

Now.... I have a gazillion boxes to unpack. Which I did not pack (insurance company did it). Most are just marked with the room they came from in my previous apartment. Some are mis-marked (as I discovered today). The movers did not excel in ensuring the correct boxes ended up in the correct rooms. I am randomly posting pictures of my box-filled abode in this post.
Kitchen full of boxes

Kitchen... more boxes

It is kind of like Christmas when you were a kid, I guess. I have a ton of kitchen boxes, and have put away a lot of things, but have yet to discover the box that holds my silverware! The first night I stayed here (after bed arrived) I went to put a simple microwave dinner in to eat. Panicked, realizing I had no idea where my silverware was.


More boxes......

I had several boxes open already, but they only contained serving-type utensils. I opened all the "Kitchen" boxes I could see and reach to no avail. Not a fork or knife to be found! Do not ask what I used in lieu of :) My brother rescued me (once again) the next day with the loan of some normal eating utensils.

I persist! And I shall find them.

I love my new place, and I love that it is all mine :) The cats have picked up on that as well, for which I am thankful. With the exception of Phoebe it took them almost a month to acclimate to the place in Maine. Phoebe is intepid and just happy to be wherever I am. She is my heart kitty.

Guess again

Check back later this week; frenzied unpacking is occurring!

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