Sunday, October 7, 2018

Sunday, October 7 - Massachusetts

Good evening friends! As the days continue to lose their light a bit earlier every day, the weather continues to be her unpredictable self. Mid October, and yes, the evenings are becoming chilly. But daytime temps still fluctuate - cool and "mizzly" one day, then shoot back up into the low 80s. Heavy rains at times in between. Fortunately no unexpected floods here!

Every time I think it is about time to put the patio furniture away for the year - the weather changes and gets warm again for a few days. Same few days I start to think it is time to put the A/C away - then boom - we get a few warm humid days. Go figure!

I am not looking forward to the clocks changing back to EST in another 4 weeks! I truly prefer New England's DST. I used to get up very early - 5:30 AM when I worked. It took me awhile to acclimate, as I am really more of a night owl. I put in my requisite many years of the getting up early thing. Never really got accustomed to it, but I did it.

Now retired, I have reverted to my previous night-owl ways. Hey... you have to go with what works for you. :)

I have an alarm clock, as most people do. I set its time about 20 min. ahead of the actual time, thus the alarm goes off a bit earlier. I just like it set it that way; not sure why . Accustomed to it for years. I have it set for radio for the morning (as opposed to an alarm).

It is a very straightforward alarm clock. No bells & whistles or weird features. I have had it for about 12 years now.

However, it seems to have taken on a life of its own the past few years. Every once in awhile the time has been skipping ahead an hour or two, throwing me off kilter and has me jumping up out of bed at odd hours. I cannot even try to blame the kitties walking over it, as the clock requires 2 hands and pushing a button to set.

Most odd. (I chalk it up in the column of "appliances that hate me".)

 The whole past month has been odd, really. Strange things happening amidst the wonderful. And that is life. At least mine!

Stay tuned folks!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday, October 5 - Massachusetts

Good afternoon intrepid followers. That long wailing sound you hear would be mine. Why? Because my Brother and I were unable to travel to Martha's Vineyard this weekend. Why? Work - mostly his.

Neither of us are happy about this; not at all. We have had this trip planned for months, as you know. Hotel rooms booked, ferry booked. It is not an easy trip to coordinate between the hotel and ferry availability, non-refundable fees, etc.

Being Columbus Day weekend - after which they roll up the sidewalks on the Vineyard - all inbound & outbound ferries were completely booked for 2 days. I looked for a later time in the day; not to be had. Called the Steamship Authority (they oversee the reservations), and there was not even a chance at Standby.

So we had to scramble in order not to lose the $900 for the hotel and ferry that has already been paid for. I was able to put off the ferry reservation - the new one is good until September of 2019, but carries a small fee of $10 for the change. My most awesome Brother called the hotel and was able to shift our reservations until Spring.

This can only happen this once, however, in both reservation instances.

I am more than disappointed and totally disgusted about the whole thing. Not at my Brother - it is not his fault. His (and my) boss demanded we be here today, especially Brother. I have no good words on that subject so I will leave it.

I have worked for some difficult people over the years. To be expected as an Exec Admin to Presidents, CEOs, and COBs of major companies. Handled it, dealt with it. Nothing like this, however, especially at a lower level. Do not keep changing the rules on me. Tell me one thing, decide it is not to your liking or not remember. Then switch gears mid-stream.

So once again - I reiterate. Nope - had my fill of this one. More than. I have other words I could use, but I will not.

I will finish out the season (about a month) because I committed to it. I fulfill my obligations.

After that I SO look forward to getting back to my happy little life on my own schedule with my own things to do.

I do apologize that this post has been mostly a "whine" and took the tone of a bit angry. But there you have it. I really am an upbeat person most of the time! It is definitely not a good thing when I get angry (please do not ask). I learned to tamp it down years ago.

Exceptt this time it affected both my Brother and me in a big way.

Stay tuned for more adventures! I promise they will be more light-hearted next time!!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday, September 28 - Massachusetts

Good evening! I have decided to make it a point to post more regularly, even if it is at times about mundane stuff. Tonight, however, I wanted to share the wonderful day I had two Sundays ago at my Niece's bridal shower :) Lots of pictures today.

My Niece has exquisite taste, and although she is keeping the wedding low-key, the details are definitely quite upscale! For her bridal shower, she chose the Tuscan Kitchen in Salem, NH, as a venue.
My wonderrful Sister (her Mom) planned the entire brunch. Quite an undertaking on my Sister's part: ordering invitations that matched the wedding invitations, coordinating the food and private room with the restaurant, the floral arrangements on each table, and countless other details that went into the day. This - on top of her full-time Accounting position.
Table Floral Arrangements

It was wonderful! Well done, Sis!! She probably left around 7:00 AM to head up to NH for the late-morning affair. I drove up but did not have to leave until much later. It was a beautiful day, on top of it all :)

The room she reserved was called the "Wine Cellar", for obvious reasons.
The Wine Cellar

The Wine Cellar

My Sister had arranged for pitchers of mimosas and sangria for each table, in addition to a table with a large tray of fruit and cheese appetizers to greet everyone.
Appetizer Table

Hot food followed on the buffet shortly. Mushroom and sausage fritata, Tuscan style brunch potatoes, ricotta filled pancakes, and something else. I cannot remember as I zeroed in on the pancakes! I ate three - they were that good!!

Food Buffet Table

My Niece opened a LOT of really great gifts that day. (I know, as I sat next to her and duly logged the giver and gift.)
Gift Table

Too soon it was over and people left in groups, taking their bridal shower favors on their way out. I feel good about that as I was able to contribute a little something to her day. The hand-painted glasses, each with a hand-written tag (my Niece & her fiancee's names on the front, washing instructions inside, & a short "hand painted by" on the back). Took a week for my hand to uncramp. My Sister bought gift bags and small bottles of Prosecco to go with.
Favor Bags

It was truly a wonderful and joyful day!

My Sister looked absolutely beautiful in her periwinkle-colored dress, and totally glowed with pride at her daughter. My Niece was stunning in a simple white flowing dress, but I think she would look great in anything.

So very, very well done, and hands down the most upscale bridal shower I ever attended. Once again, well done, Sis!! You outdid yourself on that :) You were absolutely amazing!

Stay tuned, my friends. A week from now I will be having dinner on Martha's Vineyard. Not lugging the laptop, so the adventures will have to wait until after. Getting away for a few days should help ease my somewhat frazzled state of mind. Work has gotten in the way of everything recently - not in a good way - and I intend to rectify that. Need to.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday, September 26 - Massachusetts

Tribute ~ Roger

Good evening friends and followers. It is late, but alas once again with sad news I post tonight. A good friend passed away yesterday. Finished brooding, I wanted to put a small post in his memory. Roger was a really good person who always meant well.

Truth - because it matters to me now - he and I were married for about two years eons ago. Divorced (amicably). I sped on with my life, career; left it all behind. Forgot most of it. For some - whatever - reason he never did. He stayed in touch with my family, who wisely (mostly) kept that info from me. I have no clue why he was so stuck on me, and never asked.

Got back in touch with him about 4-1/2 years ago, and we struck up a friendly relationship. I thought it was time to make amends. We went out for dinner every 5 or 6 weeks; sit and chat.

I do not know why he never let go of the time we were together. Not in a stalker way, but he just - never got over it. I guess that is the best way to put it.

Roger was diagnosed early Spring; he had chemo and radiation and all of that. It did not help. The universe and Nature are cruel.

And he passed away yesterday. I did see him before he went; a bare shadow of himself.

Roger was a very good friend, and a good person. I am glad we reconnected.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sunday, September 23 - Massachusetts

Good afternoon intrepid followers! Yes it has been way too long, and yes it is my fault. I keep saying it will not be so long between posts but unfortunately this Summer it has been. Summer has flown by. This post will be a bit long!

Reasons (not excuses, but skew it as you wish; I make no judgement!). Despite regularly getting vacinated against it I caught pneumonia and was out of commision for awhile. This Summer beat a lot of records for heat and humidity... brutal. I stayed pretty much ensconced inside for much of the duration.

My part-time job was originally to be a few hours a day, a few (no more than 3) days a week. It morphed into much more. Too much more. I am not happy because it has burned me out. SO not what I signed on for. I will finish the season as I did commit to it.

There is no time for "me" and fit in the things I want/need to do. I have had to reschedule appointments etc. to accommodate this "part-time" job. I am supposed to be, want to be, retired. Not working for someone who keeps changing the Rules. Sorry - nope, not sorry - been there, done that. I worked for over 40 years for high level people in the Corporate world. My education and experience bear that out. I am not looking to revisit it, even at a much lower level.

Yeah, that was a whine.

Needless to say, this Summer was a bit of a wash. Several good things happened, however, that made me very happy :) I had a cookout over Labor Day and invited my awesome brother. We cooked steaks on the grill, had potato salad, and strawberry "shortcake" for dessert. I was so full! Here are some pix. It was a delightful - and delicious - day all around!
Steaks on grill!
Strawberry shortcake!

My niece's bridal shower was last weekend (more about that in another post). For the guest favors, my sister and I split duties. One of mine was hand-painting glasses for the shower favors.

And I spent quite a bit of time this summer painting glasses. About 26 total. My niece's theme is roses, and her colors are white and green. I bought 2 boxes of wine glasses, half short and half tall. Never having painted on glass before it was a very quick education for me!

I drew a template...Then painted. The green part took about 20 minutes per glass. Dry a few hours (well overnight, as I was painting in batches). Then paint the roses -about 10-13 minutes each. The humidity took its toll as well as far as drying time went. Let glasses dry at least 24 hours, then bake at 325 for an hour. Cure for another 24 hours, then wash.

My template

Glass before

It was fun, and I am glad I had the opportunity to contribute to my niece's shower!

I will write a separate post about my niece's shower, as it is worthy of its own. It was so elegant and wonderful!

Stay tuned, my friends. The week after next is my annual trip to Martha's Vineyard with my Brother! Ferry reservations are made, as are the room reservations. I cannot wait! Our trip this year will be a bit shorter. Hotel prices went up considerably this year, and the car ferry was completely booked the day we wanted to return. We shall still have a wonderful time, however. I have no doubt!
Thinking of you, Sis!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wednesday, August 15 - Massachusetts


It is with sadness that I post today. A very beloved Aunt passed away last week. Our family has always been close, as you know. Aunt Louise was my Dad's sister - the eldest of my grandparents' 5 children. She was so full of life, and devoted to family and her faith. It seemed to me she always enjoyed, relished, and looked forward to any and all family gatherings.

I have so many fond memories of Aunt Louise that began in childhood... The family get-togethers - annual reunions, summer vacations, Thanksgivings, etc. spent together. Funny, but true, story: my Dad and Uncle Dinny (my Aunt's husband) loved camping. I cannot even begin to count the number of years we spent camping. Setting up huge tents, lugging camp stoves, coolers and all the gear that camping entails packed into the cars and boats both our families brought. Oh, and 8 kids between the two families (4 each). Makes my hair stand on end!

Come to find out, Aunt Louise disliked camping every bit as much as my Mom did. I find that amusing :) That dislike of camping gene got passed to me as I despise camping. My idea of roughing it is Motel 6. I have to hand it to her (and my Mom) though - a trooper through it all.

Aunt Louise had the most wonderful laugh! It makes me smile just to think of it; I can hear her now, laughing over something small or large. She always took such delight in life.

Unfortunately I was unable to make the trip out to New York for her funeral last Saturday, much as I wanted to be there. I was ill with a stomach flu that kept me in bed most of the week.

Aunt Louise will be dearly missed. She was always kind and gentle, and loved family most. She was never too busy to listen or lend an ear. Her faith was unwavering.

She was quite an admirable lady. And the sky is a little brighter for her star shining so brightly up there now.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Wednesday, August 1 - Massachusetts

Wow... I knew I was overdue for a post, but wow - over a month!! Apologies followers and friends. July rather flew by. It really did.

Not many pix tonight as I have not ventured outside a lot, mostly due to the excrutiatingly hot and humid weather the past month. Inside with the air conditioning is much better (although not so much on the utility bill!).

Part of the slack in posting is because I am now working part-time from home. It was, and still is, a bit of a learning curve as the type of business I work for is not exactly in my wheelhouse. I am doing Admin work, which is right up my alley though. Over 40 years' experience with that! Mine, however, was with engineering (think Digital Equipment Corp., GCA, Intel, etc.). This is different and taking a bit of time to acclimate.

It is working pretty well now though, and I figure one is never too old to learn :) I have my color-coded file folder thing going on and all that down pat. So it's all good.

I also lost a little over a week last month as I was quite ill. As in totally out and down for the count. Unable to even drive myself to the doctor, my most awesome brother had to cart me around that day.

Fully recuperated now and back in the game.

No real trips planned this summer, as explained earlier. I wanted to work on my home this year, and it is coming together. Slowly, but it is! Interior painting is almost done :) That has taken much longer than I anticipated.

My bathroom is also undergoing a minor renovation along with the paint. I have 2 bathrooms here, which is odd to me considering I am only one person. Two bedrooms, which I need. The larger one in the back (my sleeping space) for me as is the bathroom (also larger of the two) adjoining it. There is a smaller bedroom in the front, with an attached full bath (also smaller). I set up the front bedroom as an office/studio space, mostly studio. Makes sense to me - even though I am one person I have always required two bedrooms (the studio space).

Having a second bathroom baffles me a bit. I really do not need it. Therefore it holds overflow products and a spare kitty box. It is a cozy bathroom should it ever become more useful however.

So the minor renovation - I was obsessed for months about the fact that my original commode was obviously designed for people with very short legs. Found the one I wanted, got it, and installed. So happy!! The over-the-commode maple color cabinet that was there will go in the front bathroom (so there is a use for that!), and I have a wall-mount white one which will suit my new decor better. Something like this.

Pictures when it is done!

Meantime, life goes on here. I am hoping to get in a weekend Sister visit before the Summer is gone (she did say we would...). Also planning my Brother's and my annual Columbus Day weekend trip to Martha's Vineyard. Ferries and hotels must be booked ASAP as they fill up quickly.

While I was not looking Boris #1 (the big spider) packed up and left. No note. Boris #2 (the one with fangs) has also disappeared (I think he moved outside). Boris #3 hangs out in the corners. The tiny one has grown up quickly; I call him Boris #1 now. Here is a (blurry) recent pic of him.

Stay tuned, my friends. I promise it will NOT be so long between posts the next time!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday, June 27 - Massachusetts

Good evening, friends! Short-ish post, and on the heels of yesterday's! It is late but I was on the phone.

WARNING: If you have arachnophobia or an aversion to spiders, do not read this post. I have, however, wanted to write this one for awhile. Thought about it, but other things happened.

This evening I shall share something a lot of people do not know about me.

I have an ongoing love of spiders. I have always welcomed their presence in my home. They are harmless and do a great deal of good for the environment. I have a lot of respect for them, and do not allow anyone to kill them in my house. A few addresses ago I had the fortune of hosting a bunch of white spiders for some reason. They were beautiful, almost translucent :)

Flying bugs I do not like inside at all, especially flies (they are really gross). Fortunately my cats manage to make fairly short work of most of them, but spiders take care of the rest :) (Do not ask what I do with the stray hornet or wasp. Let us just leave it that they are gone.)

I welcome spiders. Encourage them. I name them. I call all of them "Boris", as that seems a fitting name for spiders.

Boris #2 - He has fangs
Currently I have 3 Borises in residence, possibly 4, as I saw a teeny one scoot across my laptop this morning. Here are some close-ups.

Boris #3 - Dak brown but doen't look it
Boris can get a bit tricky when he gets large, as in the pic below. A bit hairy (no pun intended) when you open the shower curtain and find him lurking near the faucets. From what I have read, a household Boris lives 1-3 years, depending on available food and water. So between random bugs and the kittles' food & water, I guess it makes it easy living here for Boris for awhile.
Yeah he really was that big

Alas, usually when Boris gets that large he simply ups and leaves. Without even a note :(

Sigh. I know for sure it is not the cats (they will not eat spiders - must be too oogy). I guess Boris just leaves home for his spidey college degree & in search of bigger and greener pastures :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesday, June 26 - Massachusetts

Good evening, intrepid followers. So much has happened the past few months! My little house is being painted inside, as you know, which has been disruptive. I do not like disruptive in my life but am handling it well :) It also has me rearranging things, which in turn led to more purging items I no longer want or need. So, good on that!

Spring - such as it was - came and left on the whisper of few days this year. Cold/warm/cold/warm, then a late storm with hail. Confused my flowers, for sure! I did not get the full effect of my tulips this year. Although they were very lovely for the few days they were in bloom.

Tulip full bloom

Alas I was unable to capture pictures of the irises. Mine are early bloomers, and it got so hot so quickly they faded within a few days. Air conditioner ensued quickly. I had a feeling we would not get a real Spring this year and unfortunately was correct.

A few weeks ago my wonderful sister proposed a "sibling outing" for the three of us. We visited La Belle Winery in New Hampshire. What an excellent day! The weather could not have been better if ordered. It is a small-ish winery, not far, but very well run and kept. The wines are really outstanding.

We arrived in the morning, and treated ourselves to the tasting first :) Each of us chose a flight of 5 types of wine to try. Our server was extremely knowledgeable about not only the wines, but how the grapes were chosen and cultivated. I did not get a picture, unfortunately, as I was busily involved in sniffing and tasting my favored reds. I did purchase two bottles at the end, however, from the on-site shop.

Lunch was in order after that! We scored a table on the patio under an umbrella and ordered several small plates to share among us. Burger sliders and marinated chicken thighs. Perfectly right!
Burger sliders
Chicken thighs

My siblings took a short tour of the vineyard after lunch. It was quite a hill to the vines. Downhill is not an issue. The uphill is a no-go for me, unfortunately, although I got some good pictures!



We wound up the afternoon at my sister's, where she and her Significant Other had prepared a delicious BBQ for dinner. Pork spare ribs, baked beans and broccoli cole slaw. I do not care for baked beans - love the way they smell when they are cooking, but have never been a fan of the taste. She made the broccoli slaw for me! (And I enjoyed every bit of it I took home with me!) She made rhubarb pie for dessert :)

All of us had such a great day sharing time together doing something we all thoroughly enjoyed on such a gorgeous day.

Life really cannot get much better than that :) :)

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sunday, June 17 - Massachusetts

I realize it has been well over a month since my last post, and I am so very overdue. Not much to offer for an excuse - a lot has happened and things have been a bit crazy here - but still. I have not fallen off the face of the planet, and am alive and well :) More than.

This first part has no pix; more apologies for that. 

Last winter I had planned to be in Canada at this time making a return trip. Obviously things did not turn out that way. I decided what I wanted more this year was to make this place really mine. Get the inside painted, replace the "short person" commode in the bathroom for one more suited to my height (hey - that thing was like 14" tall), replace the outside light that did not work most of the time for a real one. Finally get the spice shelf hung. Stuff like that.

And of course, not without a great deal of help of my most awesome brother :)

I could not do both this year - visit Canada and get my house right - so I chose to remain home and make it exactly right for me here. I am so happy at how things are coming along and turning out here!

There was another reason I chose not to travel, but it is personal and really only matters to me. It was the "tipping" factor. I have zero regrets for making that choice.

It has been a little over a year since I was unpacking unknown boxes, ordering furniture, pining over books, etc.

I have come a very long way, and am making my little yellow house truly mine :)

In the meantime me and my kittles are settled. I have found a part-time Admin job I can do from home (happy dance!!), and things are good.

More later - and with pics, I promise!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuesday, May 8 - Massachusetts

Solitude is extremely under-rated. I have an excellent grasp on this. A bit of insight tonight (whether you want it or not!).

I have spent many years sharing my time and space with others. Many years not. Those in between years, I was comfortable and confident in my own skin. Not everyone is comfortable being alone. I always have been.

I have slain all my dragons. And thus I treasure my solitude.
As awesome as my brother is, he does not really understand my deep need for it. My sister gets it, on a different level, but I am not sure she truly understands the total peace I get from alone. (I see you shaking your head, Sis!)

Hard to describe, but I shall try as it is a big part of who I am. My inner core. It is a deep need inside for quiet, peace, and introspection. I have been this way since I was a child. Activities were horseback riding, skiing, painting, writing, hiking, archery. Sense a theme? Team sports not so much.

I loved all of it, and would not have missed a minute it for the world. Day hikes for hours through the rocky hills and cool green forests of New England. Gallops and jumps across meadows, hearing only Goldie's hoofbeats underneath. Schuss so fast and furiously down mountains where all I saw and felt were waves of snow. For years. Many years.

Now? I know if I was able to do even half what I used to - I would do so without compunction or fear.

I had no fear with skis strapped to my feet or my beloved Palomino thundering across the fields or precisely performing jumps.

Alone conquering the mountain's snows. Alone trekking through the forest. Alone - flying! - with Goldie.

I am no longer physically able to do these things. I do, however, have the memories (and pictures).

And I have retained my precious solitude :)

I believe solitude is an inbred need. Thinking; downtime. Teachers today actually have classes for kids for this. They call it "mindfullness". There is yoga and all sorts of activities geared towards adults to get one to loosen up and open one's mind to be calm.

And I guess... whatever gets one to stop and think. Otherwise I think one's thoughts will get tangled and become too restles and fraught.

After all is said and done... if you cannot be comfortable and content with yourself, alone, how can you possibly be at ease with the rest of the world?

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday, April 26 - Massachusetts

Good evening intrepid followers! Spring has not really shown at her best this year. Certainly not like last year at this time!

New England does not always grant us a "real" Spring. That 6 or 8 weeks between the last of Winter's icy thaw and Summer's heat & humidity when you can throw open the windows to mild breezes. Sigh. That is the price one pays for living in and loving New England.

It will be May in a few days, yet the weather still fluctuates. Teases with a day or two of temps around 60, then plunges back into the 40s. Indoor heat off / on. Snow tires still on my 'Stang. I have lived here too long to jump the gun :) I did put my snow boots away, however. I am fairly confident it will not snow again this year! Icy rain is still not out of the question however...

Winter's grasp overextended itself this year. Making up, I suppose, for such a mild February (not complaining about that!). My flowers are late to bloom this year. The hardy green leaves of tulips and early irises have pushed through, but my daffodils are the only blooms thus far. But so pretty and happy!

So happy!

I want more daffodils for next year, as well as some crocuses & grape hyacinths, which bloom even earlier. I can hardly wait for the tulips this year!

I also have a very pretty and sturdy half-barrel planter in my yard which I did not do anything with last year. It produced a fine crop of weeds :)


Grape Hyacinths
I was busy moving in and dealing with all those boxes!! (I believe I was frantically trying to find silverware at this time last year!) Settled this year, I am looking ahead and forward to changing that. Waffled back and forth between lavender (which I love!) and strawberry plants (which I also love!). Lavender won out as strawberries send out underground "runners", from which more plants grow. Simply put, they need more room. I will put the strawberries in elsewhere.

I have a spot picked out for them already! I am also planning on a small butterfly / hummingbird garden. It is frowned upon here in my Park to erect bird feeders as they have, and do, attract unwanted large animals. Bears mostly. (Yeah, I live in that kind of area.)  Hummingbird feeders are small, however, and as they do not contain seed will be OK.


In the meantime, things go on. I have been fairly busy. My house had a small interruption with the interior painting, but all is back on track now and will hopefully be complete in the next 2 or 3 weeks. Finally! The green walls that were driving me insane (ha ha) are quickly disappearing.

I have been painting as well, and that soothes my soul :) I came across a quote today that rather sums up how I feel right now:

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep."
Scott Adams