Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 14 - Charlettown, Prince Edward Island - Addendum

Just a short addendum before I turn in for the night. Dinner was OK; not bad and not great. Mostly sandwiches on the menu, which I was not in the mood for. The special was pork chops with veggies, mashed potatoes, and cole slaw. The latter 3 were good. Pork chops were dry. The waitress was very good, however. I did have a glass of wine with dinner tonight (splurge!).

Small place with a cozy feel. I sat in a booth. In the booth in front of me was (what I thought) two couples. Bad choice of seating on my part. They were loud, and spoke French (possibly from Quebec?). Only one of them had enough limited English to order, and it was very, very limited. When they left, they each wanted separate checks. They were rather rude to the waitress.

In the meantime, some sort of team of 6 guys came in; they were all wearing the same jerseys (no logo so I am unsure what sport they played). They, too, were very loud and one of them kept using the "F" word until the older fellow - I assume the coach - admonished him. All of them asked for milk (except the coach, who had coffee).

I left shortly after that; I was finished and paid the bill. While I understand some places get noisy and loud, this pub was not one of them. It was billed as an upscale pub! The music was low, and the rest of the patrons were normal in their tone and behavior. Many of them were my age. Not a place I will return!

Hard to believe tomorrow is my last day on PEI. Where has the time gone??

I will wear my new sneakers & fleece tomorrow :)

I have also decided to change my route back to Bangor. Originally I was going to cut across New Brunswick through Fredricton, but if I head back through Saint John (around it actually) it will save me about 45 miles and a little bit of time. All about the gas mileage :)

I mis-spoke the other day when I thought the gas was less expensive on PEI. It is not (it was actually New Brunswick where I refueled, I re-checked the receipt). Taxes here are a little over 14 percent!!! On everything.

Bed... sleep.... tomorrow's adventure awaits!

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