Friday, June 17, 2016

June 17 - Massachusetts, Home

Again, no pix today - another travel day.

Last night I was just tired and my back was really bothering my from the long drive. Ordered delivery from my hotel (pasta primavera) and zonked out.

Made it back home safe and sound, and glad to be back. It was not a really long drive from Bangor; took me about 5 hours total. That included a few stops, the longest being for lunch and gas at the Kennebunk, Maine, service plaza.

I think I am still sort of on Atlantic Time. I had put in a wake-up call at the hotel last night, but woke at 5:15 AM today. Could not get back to sleep, so I gave up and got up. Called the front desk to cancel the wake-up call and had the requisite in-room coffee. Showered and slowly (very slowly) began loading the car. I peeked in the dining room at the continental breakfast, but there was nothing that caught my eye, and I was anxious to get on the road and head home. I did snag a muffin for my snack pack!

Checked the oil in my car prior to leaving; it was down a quart so I added it. She is older and burns oil; but only the second time I have had to add oil on this trip (I keep a few quarts in the trunk for that purpose).

Rested a good while at the Kennebunk service plaza. Had an early lunch (still on that Atlantic Time!) and managed to snag a cushy seat as opposed to the wooden ones that make up the majority of the food court area. Fueled up the car, hit the road again, and was home very early afternoon.

Took what I could out of the car, and with hands full made it upstairs (I live on the second floor of an old Victorian apartment building). My wonderful brother came over about an hour later, saved my day, and lugged all the rest of my stuff upstairs for me.

He is the best :)

Traffic was really not bad, even with the construction on the Maine Turnpike (which is ever ongoing - however they know how to do it correctly). Hampton tolls were not too bad, fortunately even for a Friday the majority of the traffic was heading north. End of Laconia bike week.

As usual the worst traffic was on 495S in Massachusetts. Long lines of trucks, idiots doing under 70 in the high-speed lane, etc. I survived :)

Although I loved my trip and cannot say enough good things about the great time I had, the places I visited and the things I saw and did, I am glad to be home. So glad to see my kitties, who were very happy to see me as well! I am unpacked, and have a mountain of laundry to deal with. Tomorrow!

I know I said I would run a critique of the hotels today; however I am getting tired and ready to head for (my own!) bed. And Dove bars!!! My weakness. I have been deprived :) And I think I am still running a bit on that Atlantic Time.

Tomorrow I will give a rundown on the hotels (and there are pix!).

The Defiant Traveler has returned to her home base :)

The next trip I am contemplating - well it is a ways off still, and I am trying to get a few people onboard with me as it is quite a journey and would be better off shared.

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